英语听力精选进阶版 8986(在线收听

China has responded with guarded disapproval to a telephone call between the US president-elect Donald Trump and president of Taiwan which Beijing regards as a break-away province. Mr Trump's conversation with Taiwan's president Tsai-ing-wen broke decades of US diplomatic policy. The Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi described the call as a petty trick by Taiwan.


Syrian government forces and their allies are reportedly to have seized another district in the rebel-held east Aleppo. The recapture of Terycalbarb comes after a night of heavy shelling. Government forces are controlling a direct route across the city linking the west to the main airport. 60% of Aleppo's rebel-held ankli has fallen to the government.


A military plane carrying the coffins of Brazilian football team delegation killed in Monday's airline crash in Columbia is due to tough down shortly in the team's hometown of Chapeco. 100,000 people are expected to attend an outdoor week at the Chapecoense football stadium.


The Malaysian foreign ministry has issued a strongly wordy statement to accusing its near neighbor Myanmar of committing ethnic cleaning against the Muslim rehinjar minority. In a deepening diplomatic rift, the ministry's statement says the cleansing must stop immediately.


A number opposition parties in South Korea have filed an impeachment motion against the country's in-battle president Park-Geun-hye. The motion backed by 171 lawmakers would be put to a vote next week. It would need the support of at least 30 members of president Park' Saenuri party.


And policeman in Thai capital Bankok say they have arrested a Pakistani man who wanted a connection with fired Kerachy four years ago, the deadly in Pakistan's history. Abdohe Merdoran is accused of setting light to a garment factory after its owners failed to pay protection money to his criminal gang.

泰国首都曼谷的警方表示,他们已经将四年前在卡拉奇纵火的男子逮捕。这场大火是巴基斯坦历史上非常惨烈的一幕。犯罪嫌疑人Abdohe Merdoran被控告向一家服装厂纵火,其原因是该服装厂的老板没有向纵火人所在的犯罪团伙缴纳保护费。
