英语听力精选进阶版 8998(在线收听

The Russian authority say the location of a military plane with 19 people on board crashed in the black sea has been pinpointed. The defence ministry said more than 100 divers are inspecting the seabed in an operation continuing in the night. So far 11 bodies have been recovered. The aircraft took off 154 went down soon after it took off Soche on its way to Syria


In a highly unusual move the Israeli government has appalled in the state ambassadar to explain why a UN resolution condemning Israel for building Jewish settlement to the occupied west bank and east Jerusalem tend to be adopted. For the first time the US abstained the meeting will be determined by president Benjamin Nathanyahu.


Pope Francis has called for new efforts to bring peace to Israelis and Paletanians in his traditional Chrismas address in Vantican. The pope urge the two sides to find the determination to write a new page of history and to put heats and revenge behind them. The pontif also urged the Vantican to end the fighting in Syria, saying it's time for weapons to silent forever.


A tsunami alerting issued after a powerful earthquake off the southern coast of Chile now have been lifted, the quake went 7.6 magnitude, struck about 40 kilometers southwest of the port of Quilang.


Queen Elizabeth has used her Chrismas message to praise the achievement of common wealth athletes at the Rio Olympic and paralympic games. Apart from Britain she highlight pronaders, the Bahamas Jamaicas and New Zealand.


And a bomb from the second world war led to an evacuation of thousands of citizens of the southern German city of Autsberg on Chrismas day has been defused. The 1.8 ton British device was thought to be a legacy of allied raid in 1944 was destroyed in the old town.

