英语听力精选进阶版 9000(在线收听

Russia has been observing a day of mourning after a military plane crashed on Sunday in which all 92 people on board were killed. Priest has been said in the country’s Orthodox churches and a makeshift trial has been setup in Mexico outside the headquarters of the Alexander’s music and dancers onsmble which lost many of its members.


Turkey has appealed for air support from the US Coalition in Syria to help in the battle to drive Islamic fighters out of key town in northeastern Syria. The Spokesman for the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says it was not acceptable for the coalition to withhold such backing.


The cafeteria manager of Turkish Newspaper has been arrested on charges of insulting the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Channel Brown who runs the canteen of the opposition Juneprine Yet Newspaper is accused of having set tee would never make Mr. Erdogan a cup of tea.

土耳其一家报社的经理被捕,因为他涉嫌侮辱总统埃尔多安。Channel Brown ,经营反对派《共和国日报》,他被指控曾经扬言永远不会支持埃尔多安。

The Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe has arrived in Hawaii where he visited the US NATO port of Pearl Harbor 75 years after it was bombed by Japanese war planes in a surprised attack. He will be accompanies by President Obama who in May visited the Japanese city of Hiroshima where the US dropped the first nuclear bomb near the end of the Second World War.


The Columbia aviation authorities have confirmed their findings of their colleagues in Bolivia that the lack of fuel and pilotary would be blamed for the crash of Bolivian plane in November. 71 people died, among them most members are Brazilian football team when their plane was on its approaching Columbian city of Medina.


The world’s fastest land animal the cheetah is said to be rapidly heading for extinction. The study by the national Academy of science in US says cheetahs are coming increasingly into conflict with human beings as they run far beyond protected areas. Their couples become fashionable accessories in the gulf states.

