英语听力精选进阶版 9011(在线收听

The engine manufacturer, Rolls Royce, says it's reached an 800-million-dollar settlement in principle with the British, U.S. and Brazilian authorities relating to bribery and corruption. The British company, which makes engines for jets, ships and nuclear submarines, said the agreement's related to offences involving its intermediaries in a number of overseas markets, including Indonesia and China.


The German and French leaders have defended Europe against remarks by Donald Trump, who's praised Britain's vote to leave the European Union, said he believed other countries would follow suit. Angela Merkel said European unity was the best response to the comments. Francois Hollande said Europe would determine its path on the basis of its own interests and values.


Police in the United States have arrested the wife of the gunman, Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando last June. Reports say x will be charged with obstruction of justice. Police interviewed her after the attack, believing she might be aware of her husband's plans.

去年六月份,奥兰多同志酒吧发生枪击事件,导致49人死亡。目前警方已经逮捕了凶手Omar Mateen的妻子。记者表示,该名女子将被指控妨碍司法公正。警方在恐怖袭击事件发生之后采访了凶手的妻子,警方认为,该名女子在事前已经意识到了丈夫的恐怖袭击计划。

Groups of prisoners have occupied the roof of the x Jail in the northern Brazilian city of Nadal, where a violent riot took place over the weekend. Inmates were seen standing on the rooftops of prison buildings, carrying stones, knives and sticks, and waving flags, bearing the symbols of two warring gangs inside the jail.


Britain's Antarctica Research Institute has decided to pull all staff out of its Halley VI Antarctic Research Base for safety reasons. The highly-unusual move is said to be needed, because the ice field where the station sits has developed a big new crack, though the line is still a reasonable distance away.


The lawyer for a Zimbabwean pastor, who predicted the death of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, says he's been arrested. Patrick announced last week that the head of state would die on October 17 this year.

