英语听力精选进阶版 9037(在线收听

President Trump has promised what he called a “historic increase” in defense spending. White House officials say he wants the Pentagon budget to go up by $54bn, almost 10 per cent. The administration hopes to pay for the increase by cutting non-military programmes, but the budget must be approved by Congress.

美国总统特朗普宣布将”历史性地”提高国防预算. 白宫官员表示,特朗普希望增幅达近10%,约为540亿美元.特朗普政府希望通过削减非军事项目来增加军事运算,但该预算必须得到国会批准。

The former US President George W Bush has said America needs answers on the extent of contacts between President Trump’s team and Russia. Mr Bush also defended the free press as indispensable to democracy. President Trump has branded critical media outlets as enemies of the people.


The World Health Organisation says there’s an urgent need for new antibiotics to combat bacteria. The UN agency has published a list of 12 bacteria families that pose the greatest threat to human health as they are resistant to existing antibiotics.

世界卫生组织表示,迫切需要新的抗生素来对抗细菌. 世界卫生组织发布了一个名单,名单上包含12个已经对人类健康构成重大威胁的菌种,因为这些菌种对现有的抗生素具有抗药性.

Syrian government forces have reportedly gained a swath of territory from Islamic State militants in the north of the country. They would now seem to be in a position to block any possible advance by Turkish troops and their local allies reaching the main IS bastion in Raqqa.


Opposition leaders in Colombia have called for the suspension of peace talks with the rebel group, the ELN, after it took responsibility for a bombing in Bogota that killed a police officer and injured 30 people. The former president, Alvaro Uribe, said it was a joke to continue to talk to the ELN.

哥伦比亚反对派领导人呼吁暂停与反对组织哥伦比亚民族解放军之间的和平谈判,因为哥伦比亚民族解放军要为波哥大的爆炸事件负责.该爆炸事件导致1名警察遇难,30人受伤.哥伦比亚前总统, 阿尔瓦罗·乌里韦·贝莱斯表示,继续跟该反对组织进行, 将会是个笑话.

The authorities in El Salvador say that the country’s much-loved and only hippo has died after being attacked at the national zoo. The 15-year-old hippo, named Gustavito, was beaten and stabbed over the weekend by unknown assailants.

萨尔瓦多当局表示,该国最受喜爱唯一一只河马在国家动物园遇袭身亡. 这个15岁的河马,名叫Gustavito,于上周末被身份不明的袭击者刺伤.

And the president of world football’s governing body Fifa, Gianni Infantino, says Africa will get more than seven places in the expanded World Cup. Forty-eight teams will take part in the 2026 World Cup.

