英语听力精选进阶版 9059(在线收听

The U.N. General Assembly has, for the first time, held a debate on a global nuclear arms ban. More than 120 countries endorsed such a treaty, but forty U.N. members stayed away from the talks. The U.S. envoy said national security required nuclear arms because of, what she described as, bad acts who could not be trusted.


U.S. Senate investigators are planning to question, Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and close adviser of President Trump as part of their investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia. It's emerged that he spoke to the head of a Russian state-owned bank that is subject to U.S. sanctions.


British police say they've found no evidence that the man who killed four people in Westminster last week was associated with IS or Al-Qaeda. A senior counter-terrorism officer dismissed as pure speculation suggestions that  Halid Masude  had been radicalized in prison.

英国警方表示,尚无证据证明上周威斯敏斯特大桥的四人遇难恐怖事件的袭击者和IS或者基地组织有关。一位高级反恐官员表示,并不认为袭击事件是纯粹的投机行为,袭击者哈利德 ·马苏德在监狱时已经被激进化。

The Pentagon says it places the highest priority on investigating claims that airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition killed a large number of civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul earlier this month. It acknowledged that airstrikes did take place in the immediate vicinity of the buildings where the casualties were reported.


One of Brazil's main airlines, GOL , is to pay 1.3 million dollars to an indigenous tribe in compensation for the damage caused by a plane crash more than ten years ago. A private jet and the  GOL commercial plane collided midair above the ALkai airport indigenous reserve. Tribal leaders say they were forced to move because the land had become cursed with the spirits of the dead.


Saudi Arabia is cutting taxes for oil companies in a bid to attract investment in the expected sale of shares in its energy giant, Saudi Aramco. The country plans to sell 5% of Aramco next year as part of a strategy to diversity its economy.


The American rapper, Withs Haliv, has angered Colombians by publishing photos of himself visiting the grave of a notorious drug lord, Publiak Askelaba, in the city of Madain. The local Mayor said he should apologise.

