英语听力精选进阶版 9109(在线收听

In the past few minutes, the United Nations has said the Islamic State group may be holding more than100,000 civilians in the city of Mosul as human shields. An operation to retake the city led by Iraqi government forces began in November. IS has now been driven into a small part of the old city under the grave concerns for the safety of civilians who were trapped.


The head of European Union’s police agency Rob Wainwright has told the BBC that the threat of terrorism is the highest for a generation as EU nationals returned from fighting in Syria and Iraq. A report by Europol said there were more than 140 terror plots within the EU last year.

欧盟警署负责人罗布·韦恩怀特(Rob Wainwright)告诉BBC,随着欧盟退出叙利亚和伊拉克战争,恐怖主义威胁已达当代最高水平。欧洲警政署(Europol)的一份报告表示,去年欧盟范围内共经历140多起恐怖阴谋。

The Russian military says it killed many Islamic State militants, including senior figures in an airstrike in Syria last month. The raid targeted a large gathering in the city of Raqqa. A Russian Defense Ministry’s statement said it was checking information that the IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was among the dead.


A court in India has convicted 6 more people of involvement in a coordinating series of bomb blasts that tore through the city of Mumbai in 1993 killing 257 people. The Mumbai Stock Exchange was hit along with markets, hotels and an airport in one of the worst terror attacks the country has experienced.


Prosecutors in Switzerland say a former employee of the Swiss Bank, Julius Baer, has been convicted of document forgery and failure to report suspected money laundering linked to world football officials. Jorge Arzuaga admitted setting up accounts that allowed football executives to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes.

瑞士检察官表示,瑞士宝盛银行(Julius Baer)一位前雇员被判伪造文件罪以及对国际足联官员疑似洗钱行为的知情不报。豪尔赫·阿苏亚加承认开设多个账户供足联高管收受数亿美元的贿赂。

A team of archeologists has uncovered a forgotten city in eastern Ethiopia which is thought to date back to 10th century AD. The city in the Harrer region is believed to have been a trading center and artifacts from Egypt, India and China have been found there.

