英语听力精选进阶版 9115(在线收听

The British Prime Minister Theresa May has presented her plans to ensure the rights of the estimated three million European Union citizens in Britain after it leaves the EU. Mrs. May told a meeting of European leaders that any EU citizen who’ve been in the UK for five years would have been guaranteed access to healthcare and other benefits after Brexit. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany described the offer as a good start.


US-backed fighters in Northern Syria have advanced within a few hundred meters of the old city district of Raqqa in their battle against Islamic State militants. A BBC report in the city says that the Jihadists are hammed into the neighborhoods narrow streets.


A court in South Korea has sentenced Choi Soon-sil, a longtime friend of the former president Park Geun-Hye, to three years in prison. She was at the center of an influence peddling scandal which led to Ms. Park's removal from office earlier this year.

韩国一法院判处前总统朴槿惠的老朋友崔顺实(Choi Soon-sil)三年监禁。她是韩国一宗招权纳贿丑闻的核心人物。该丑闻导致朴槿惠于今年下台。

Four US Republican senators have signaled that they cannot support the draft healthcare bill put forward by the party's leadership to replace Obamacare. Such opposition would be enough to block the bill.


The United States has suspended Brazilian meat imports over recurring concerns about the safety of produce reaching the American market. The US Department of Agriculture said that a high proportion of Brazilian meat had failed safety tests in the past three months.


The Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has strongly denied that his government was involved in the installation of spyware in the mobile phones of journalists and activists. He said those accusing his administration had to show more evidence.


A donor conference opens later in the Ugandan capital of Kampala with the aim of raising two billion dollars to help deal with the rapidly growing number of refugees. Uganda hosts more than a million, most of whom fled South Sudan.

