英语听力精选进阶版 9118(在线收听

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has made the fight against climate change her key objective at next week's G20 Summit in Hamburg, setting up a battle with President Trump. She's meeting European leaders to discuss strategy. Mrs. Merkel also told the German Parliament that leaders seeking solutions in protectionism and isolationism were profoundly wrong.


Reports from Mosul in northern Iraq say government special forces have entered the compound of Al-Nuri Mosque, which was blown up by Islamic State militants before they withdrew. The BBC Arabic Service says commanders are not yet confirmed that they have controlled the complex, and fighting is continuing.


Cardinal George Pell, one of the most senior figures in the Roman Catholic Church, says sex offence charges against him are false. Cardinal Pell told reporters that he'd undergone a relentless character assassination, and was looking forward to having his day in court.


The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has promised to maintain the One Country, Two Systems formula that has been the basis for governing Hong Kong, since the British left 20 years ago. Mr. Xi is in the territory for the anniversary of the handover. Some think Beijing is now trying to exert greater control.


The Chinese Nobel Peace winner, Liu Xiaobo, who's suffering from terminal liver cancer, has asked to be allowed to go abroad for treatment. He's serving an 11-year jail term for subversion.


The Egyptian government has significantly increased the cost of fuel. Petrol prices have gone up overnight by over 40%, and diesel by over 50%.


The widows of four of the nine men executed by Nigeria's military regime in 1995 have filed a civil lawsuit in the Netherlands, accusing Royal Dutch Shell of alleged complicity in the military crackdown. The bell-known of the nine was Ken Sorrow Wiwa, who led huge protests against environmental damage caused by oil production in the Niger Delta.

1995年被尼日利亚军方处决的9名男子中,有4名男子的妻子在荷兰提起民事诉讼。她们指责荷兰皇家壳牌公司与军事镇压之间有密不可分的关系。9人中最著名的是Ken Sorrow Wiwa,他曾领导针对尼日尔三角洲石油生产造成的环境破坏而发起的大型抗议活动。
