英语听力精选进阶版 9129(在线收听

A US judge has ordered that grandparents from 6 mainly Muslim countries be allowed to visit family members in America. It's the latest twist in President Trump's attempts to introduce a travel ban. The Supreme Court had ruled that although a temporary ban could be introduced, it could not be enforced against people with bona fide relationships to people in the US. The Trump administration has said this covered parents but not grandparents.


Israeli police have killed 3 attackers who opened fire on officers in Jerusalem. Police said 3 officers were injured, 2 of them seriously. The Israeli authorities said the men started firing before running away towards the holy sites in the old city where they were killed.


The former President of Peru, Ollanta Humala, and his wife, Nadine Heredia, turned themselves in after a judge ordered that they be jailed for 18 months. The judge ruled in favor of a prosecutor's request to have them jailed while money laundering charges are prepared against them.


President Trump has apparently changed his idea of a physical border wall along the entire US border with Mexico. Mr. Trump said only a small extension to the existing structure would be required, but he wanted that to be see-through, so the border guards could not be hit on the head by bundles of drugs tossed over by smugglers.

特朗普总统很明显改变了要在美国与墨西哥整个边界建造物理隔离墙的计划。特朗普表示, 只需要对现有的隔离墙进行一下小规模扩展即可。不过,他希望隔离墙是透明的。这样边境守卫就不会被毒贩丢过来的成捆毒品击中头部。

And the Coco Islands has created one of the world's largest marine reserves, covering nearly 2 million square kilometers of the Pacific Ocean. The environmentalist whose idea it was said it would allow the ocean a chance to heal.

