
 I need the guys to work as a team. 我需要大家团结协作

We're gonna cross this river linked together. 我们要连在一起过河
What did I say right at the start? 我一开始说什么来着
When I say it's okay and to trust me,it will be okay.We're a team. 如果我说没问题  相信我的时候   就不会出什么状况 我们是个团队
I'm gonna put Sean in the middle,so he'll be supported on either side. 我要把肖恩安排在中间 这样他在两边都能寻求帮助
Okay, it's all good. It's all good.Step down.I've got no arm.That's fine. Step down.I've got you. Step down. 很好  没什么问题 下来 手臂动不了 没关系 下来 我扶着你 下来
Only a few feet from the bank,and already Sean is pulling me back to the shore. 离对岸只有几英尺 而肖恩却要拉我回到岸边
It's all good.Time to go back.Are you in? Here we go. We're moving. 一切很好 回岸吧 准备好了吗  开始  我们走了
Take our time. Nice, good steps.I need to keep Sean focused. 别着急  很好  走得很稳 我需要让肖恩集中精力
If he loses footing here,we'll all go in and tumble down into the waterfall. 如果他在这儿失足 我们都会被冲进瀑布里去
This is not a good place to stop.I need to keep him moving. 这里不能停 我要让他一直走
You're coming. It's good. 过来了  很好
Almost there, all right?Okay, it's a bit stronger here. 就快到了 这儿水流有些急
We're at the halfway point the most dangerous part of the river. 我们到达中点了 这里是最危险地方
I've got you.And suddenly, Sean freezes. 我扶着你 突然  肖恩僵住了
It's fight-or-flight time.I manage to pull Sean and get him on the move. 现在是危急时刻 我拉住肖恩  终于让他动了
Good job.Well done, guys.And we've made it a short distance, yet a big deal for both Sean and Joe. 干得好 很好 伙计们 我们成功了 距离虽短  但对肖恩和乔确实意义重大
That scared the crap out of me. I'm not gonna lie. 我快吓死了 不骗你
Oh, man.I just want to kiss solid ground. 天哪 我只想亲吻这坚实的大地
But I've a feeling we're not over the worst of it. 但我感觉最危险的部分还未到来
The waterfall looks just as challenging over here. 这里的瀑布看上去很有挑战性
The river is overflowing,and the sides are way too slippery to scramble down. 河水湍急 而要从这边爬下去又太滑