
 I'm always a little bit nervous taking people who've got no experience into a very wild place. 我总是担心带那些完全没有经验的人 进入荒野地带

You know, it's one thing operating on my own. 我一直都是单枪匹马
Suddenly you've got other people's lives in your hand. 突然发现  手中还拽着其他人的生命
You know, he instilled a lot of trust. 他给我们灌输了很多信任
And I think that was the most important thing I learned on this journey, was learn to trust. 我觉得在这趟旅程中 我学到最重要的东西  便是信任
When you see someone who's never done it before suddenly on the edge of the cliff, 你看着一个没有任何经验的人 就这么突然站到了岩壁边上
and you can almost feel their heart beating,and I could see that look of horror, 你甚至能感受到他心跳加速 能看见他脸上的惶恐
but, you know, he did it, and that's amazing to see. 但最后 他成功了 这真令人惊叹
As terrified as I was,I think it made me a stronger person by coming out here 虽然我一直提心吊胆 但这段刻骨铭心的经历
and experiencing it and putting myself in those kind of situations. 这番身临其境的洗礼 让我变得更加坚强
And it really did push us to the limit. 它也确实让我们超越了极限
I think it's always captivating,seeing somebody overcome real struggles. 能目睹他人征服那些真正的困难 总是令人心驰
You know, we gave them the whole nine yards. 我们完全放手让他们去做
We didn't kind of hand it to them. 并没有伸出援手
And we threw them in, literally, the deep end. 可以说  我们把他们投入了困境之中
You know, this is "Man vs. Wild". This is the real deal. 这就是荒野求生  这可是来真的
We came to Canada, and we're done with Canada. 我们来到加拿大  并成功结束了加拿大之旅
This experience has been unbelievable. 这是段难以置信的经历