英语听力精选进阶版 9172(在线收听

The New York Times is reporting that at least six of President Donald Trump's closest advisors, including his daughter Ivanka have breached rules by using private email accounts to discuss White House matters since he took office. During his election campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly called for the imprisonment of his rival Hillary Clinton over her use of personal email when she was secretary of state.


South Korea has called for a stern but cool-headed response to what's described as continued provocations by North Korea. Earlier, the White House condemned North Korea's claim that it had the right to shoot down U.S bombers even if it was outside North Korea's air space.


The U.S government says the independence referendum held in Iraqi Kurdistan on Monday will increase instability and hardship for the region and its people. A state department spokeswomen said the United States was deeply disappointed that Kurdistan regional government had conducted the non-binding poll, including in areas outside its jurisdiction.


The Brazilian government has revoked a controversial decree that will open up a vast reserve in the Amazon to commercial mining. The area is thought to be rich in gold and other minerals.


Angola will swear in a new president late today as Ciao Lorencio, a former defense minister replaces Jose Advado De Santos who stood down in August after 38 years in power. A BBC correspondent says a radical shift is unlikely as Mr.Lorencio has been at the heart of the governing MLPLA party for decades.

今天晚些时候,安哥拉新总统——前国防部长Ciao Lorencio将宣誓就职,他取代了在位38年、于8月份下台的Jose Advado De Santos。一名BBC通讯员表示,由于几十年来Lorencio一直是执政党MLPLA的核心人物,所以不会发生剧变。

The Indonesian's national disaster agency is warning the Mount Agung volcano on the island of Bali has entered a critical phase and the eruption is imminent. Nearly 60,000 people have now fled the slopes of the volcano but some have remained in the danger zone out of concerns of their livestock.

