夏说英语新闻晨读 第516期:告别的新玩儿法(在线收听


Britons are increasingly shunning traditional funerals in favour of more unusual send-offs, which last year included a McDonald's-themed drivethrough event and a service for a magician where the undertakers wore red noses. Two-fifths of UK adults now want their funeral to be a celebratory affair, according to Co-op Funeralcare, while soaring demand for personalisation means the provider has seen requests for alternative hearses, such as adapted Land Rovers and rainbow-hued vehicles, rise by a fifth in three years.

shun: vt. 逃避;回避;拒绝
funeral: n. 葬礼
in favour of: 支持;喜欢;青睐
send-off: 话别
drivethrough: n. 汽车餐厅
undertaker: n. 抬棺人
celebratory: adj. 值得庆祝的
soaring: adj. 高速增长的
hearse: n. 灵车
rainbow-hued: adj. 彩虹色调的
