夏说英语新闻晨读 第519期:委内瑞拉的邻居们(在线收听


US President Donald Trump has said he recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president. The announcement came minutes after the 35-year-old declared himself acting leader in Caracas on Wednesday. A number of South American countries, including Brazil, Colombia and Peru, have also recognized Mr Guaidó as Venezuela's legitimate president.

recognize: vt. 承认
recognition: n. 认出;识别;承认
Venezuelan: adj. 委内瑞拉的(Venezuela's)
Venezuela: n. 委内瑞拉
opposition leader: 反对党领袖
interim: adj. 临时的
interim president: 临时总统
sitting president: 现任总统
legitimate: adj. 合法的
