美国小学英语教材3:第152课 吉米缘何错过了游行(1)(在线收听

 Why Jimmie Missed the Parade 吉米缘何错过了游行

Jimmie was all ready to march with the Boy Scouts. 吉米已经做好准备,要和童子军一同游行了。
Find out what happened that made him miss the parade at the very last minute. 在文中找找看,究竟发生了什么使他在最后一刻错过了游行。
It was Washington's birthday, and it was almost time for the parade. 今天是华盛顿总统的生日,也是游行的日子。
Bobby and Jack and Jimmie were three happy Boy Scouts, and this was their first parade. 鲍比、杰克和吉米是三名快乐的童子军,这也是他们的第一次游行。
They were standing in their places in the street, waiting for the parade to start. 他们站在街道自己的位置上,等待着游行的开始。
Some soldiers stood in front of them, and the Boy Scouts felt proud to march behind them. 一些士兵站在他们的前面,童子军感觉能站在他们后面游行很是骄傲。
How happy and excited the boys were! 这些男孩是多么的高兴和兴奋啊!
The air was clear, the flags were flying, and crowds of people were walking up and down the street. 天气晴朗,旗帜飘扬,街上的人群来来往往。
Oh, look! There goes the governor in that big automobile all covered with flags! said Bobby. 啊,看啊!州长过来了,坐在那辆被旗子遮住的大汽车里!鲍比说,
"He is going to talk about George Washington after the parade is over, and my father is going to hear him. I'd like to be governor some day." 游行结束后,他会发表有关乔治·华盛顿的讲话。我的爸爸也会来听他讲话。我想有一天成为州长。
I'd rather be President, said Jack. "Wouldn't you, Jimmie?" 我更想要成为总统。杰克说,你想吗,吉米?
But Jimmie did not answer; he was thinking of George Washington, the first president of our country. 吉米没有回答,他还在想我们国家的第一任总统乔治·华盛顿呢。
My! thought Jimmie." It is wonderful to have everyone in the whole country celebrating your birthday with drums and flags and parades!" 吉米想:天啊!让整个国家里的每个人都敲着鼓,举着旗,一起游行来庆祝你的生日,这实在是太棒了!
Just then the band began to play, and the soldiers in front of the Boy Scouts began to move. 就在这时,乐队开始奏乐,童子军前面的士兵开始移动。
"Forward, march!" said the Scout Master, and every boy except Jimmie obeyed. 前进,走!童子军的领队说道,除了吉米每个人都服从了命令。