经济学人:女性权利 游行抗议(1)(在线收听

 United States 美国

Women's Rights: March nemesis 女性权利:游行抗议
Donald Trump may unwittingly be a revitalising force for American feminism. 唐纳德·特朗普可能在不经意间让美国女权主义更加强盛
Of all the things uttered by Donald Trump during the election campaign,  唐纳德在大选期间讲得所有事情中,
none seemed to threaten his chances of victory more than his admission, on tape, that he had grabbed women “by the pussy” without their consent. 没有任何事情比他在广播中承认他在没有经过女性的同意“玩弄女性”更能够威胁到他赢得选举的胜利。
Yet Republicans—and voters—eventually looked past his attitude towards women. 然而共和党人——和投票者们——终究对他关于女性的态度睁一只眼闭一只眼。
Many Americans, however, remain worried that a Trump presidency heralds a new age of sexism and misogyny. 但是,许多美国人依旧担心特朗普任职预示着一个崭新的性别歧视以及厌女癖的时代的来临。
In the days after the election, donations to women’s non-profit groups surged. 在选举接受后的数日内,女性非营利性组织接受的捐款急剧上升。
So did demand for contraception, as women worried that access to birth-control would be curtailed. 避孕的需求同样急剧上升,因为女士们担心她们控制生育的途径减少。
On January 21st, the day after the inauguration, some 200,000 American men and women are expected to turn up at a march in Washington  1月21日,在特朗普宣誓就职后的第一天,大约有20万美国男女将会在华盛顿举行游行,
to protest against regressive policies and demand equal treatment for women—and a lot more besides. 以反对倒行逆施的政策并要求平等对待女性——除此之外,还有许多其他的诉求。
The march grew from two unrelated Facebook posts into the “Women’s March on Washington”, which promises to be the biggest single anti-Trump demonstration yet. 这次的游行从两个不相关的脸书帖子发展成为“华盛顿妇女游行”,这很有可能成为反特朗普游行中最大的的一次。
It has also spawned sister marches in New York, San Francisco, London and dozens of other cities. 并且该游行也催生了纽约、旧金山、伦敦以及许多其他城市同类型的游行。
But arranging it has proved thorny. 但是,组织这场游行十分棘手。
It was originally called the "Million Women March", until organisers were admonished for appropriating the name of the 1997 "Million Woman March", which focused on African-American women. 这场游行原本叫“百万妇女游行”,直到组织者们被警告他们挪用了1997年旨在关注非洲裔美国女性的“百万妇女游行”的名称。