经济学人:女性权利 游行抗议(2)(在线收听

 Others claimed that it too closely resembled the 1963 “March on Washington” led by Martin Luther King Jr. 其他人认为其名称与1963年由马丁·路德金教授领导的“华盛顿游行”极其相似。

The event’s Facebook page is rife with comments advising white women to “check their privilege”. 在脸书帖上充满了建议白人女性“确认自己的特权”的评论。
Some women, put off by all the bickering, decided not to attend. 有些女性,不相信这些争论,决定不参与游行。
It is the kind of semantic nitpicking that has made progressive movements unappealing to many Americans. 这是一种语义上的“挑刺”,使得进步的运动失去了对许多美国人的吸引力。
Yet it may have done some good: the march has brought together a broad coalition. 虽然这也能带来一些好处:游行已经结成了更加广泛的联盟。
Nearly 450 organisations, from the Council on American Islamic Relations to Greenpeace and the Coalition Against Gun Violence, have signed on as official partners. 从美国伊斯兰关系委员会到绿色和平组织以及反对枪支暴力联合会的将近450个组织已经签署成为正式的伙伴。
In addition to well-trodden feminist concerns like the wage gap and paid parental leave,  抗议的平台除了讨论一些老生常谈的女权主义问题,如工资差距、带薪产假以外,
the protest platform embraces other causes—immigrant rights, ending police brutality, climate protection—as integral to women’s progress. 还囊括了其他问题——移民权利、终结警察暴力、气候保护,使其成为女性进步不可或缺的因素。
The organisers argue that matters of social justice and women’s rights go hand in hand. 组织者们认为社会公正与女性权利是相辅相成的。
In the comfortable Obama years, many liberal Americans believed feminism’s work was mostly finished. 奥巴马在位的美好时光里,许多自由主义的美国人认为女权主义的事业近乎完成。
Mr Trump’s ascent banished such complacency. 特朗普先生的上位摧毁了他们的自满情绪。
He may be the unifying enemy they need. 特朗普可能会成为他们统一的敌人。