
 Briefing 简报

Paris-Berlin Relations: The age of Merkron 法德关系:联手时代
Emmanuel Macron's triumph Restarting the Franco-German engine. 马克龙胜选重燃法德引擎。
For Germany, Emmanuel Macron was the dream candidate. 对于德国来说,Emmanuel Macron是一位理想的总统候选人。
Where his far-left and far-right rivals for the presidency bashed Berlin, he defended it. 他的极左翼和极右翼的竞选对手抨击德国时,他为之辩护。
During his two campaign visits he was, to quote one German official, “pitch perfect” on his country's problems. 在在他的两次竞选访问中,他引用了一位德国官员的话,“完美地”解决了国家的问题。
Several of Mr Macron's inner circle are German-speakers with close links to Berlin. 马克龙的几个内部核心圈子都是与柏林有密切联系的德国人。
Withered Franco-German ties are already showing new signs of life. 脆弱的法德关系纽带已经表现出了生活的新迹象。
Or as Angela Merkel put it, quoting the author Hermann Hesse, at their first press conference together in Berlin on May 15th: “There's a little magic in every beginning.” 就像 Angela Merkel在2017年5月15日法德会晤的新闻发布会上引用作家Hermann Hesse的一句话“万事开头难”。
That is as well, as Mr Macron has big plans. 这也是马克龙的大计划。
He wants to use domestic economic reform and concessions to Berlin's calls for progress on defence integration to regain Germany's trust,  他希望利用国内经济改革和让步,向柏林方面呼吁在防务一体化方面取得进展,以重新获得德国的信任,
leading to a “new deal” between the euro zone's creditors and debtors. 从而促成欧元区债权国和债务国之间达成“新协议”。
It would include a common budget, parliament and finance minister. 它将包括一个共同的预算,议会和财政部长。
“Expensive Friend” warned a recent cover of Der Spiegel. 《明镜周刊》认为Macron是德国“昂贵的朋友”。
Can he do it? 他能做到吗?
German politicians are divided. 德国政客们众说纷纭。
Sceptics include the free-market FDP, right-wing AfD, the Bavarian CSU and most of Mrs Merkel's CDU, including Wolfgang Schuble, her finance minister. 怀疑论者包括自由市场的自由民主党、右翼民粹政党“德国选择党”、巴伐利亚的基社盟和默克尔领导的的大部分基督教民主联盟,以及财政大臣朔依布勒。
Supporters include the Greens, the socialist Left party, the Social Democrats (particularly Sigmar Gabriel, the foreign minister) and Europhiles in the CDU. 支持者包括绿党、社会主义左翼党、社会民主党(尤其是外交部长加布里尔)和基督教民主联盟的亲欧派。
The chancellor is somewhere in the middle, like public opinion:  财政大臣保持中立态度,5月,福尔萨进行的一项民意调查显示,
a poll conducted by Forsa in May found 49% in favour of “actively supporting” Mr Macron's plans and 42% for “holding back”. 49%的人强烈支持马克龙的计划,42%的人表示犹豫不决。