
 The basis of social interactions might change, too, from a set of commitments founded on trust to calculations of risk and reward derived from the information a computer attaches to someone's face. 社会交往的基础或许也将改变,从建立在信任基础上的承诺变成对出自计算机给人脸附加的信息之风险和回报的算计。

Relationships might become more rational, but also more transactional. 关系可能变得更加理性,但是也会变得的更具交易性。
In democracies, at least, legislation can help alter the balance of good and bad outcomes. 在民主国家中,至少立法还能够帮助改变好坏结果之间的平衡。
European regulators have embedded a set of principles in forthcoming data-protection regulation,  欧洲监管者已经在即将到来的数据保护监管中嵌入了一套原则,
decreeing that biometric information, which would include “faceprints”, belongs to its owner and that its use requires consent— 这套原则规定,会把“脸纹”包括在内的生物数据信息属于其所有者,并且这些信息的使用需要征得同意——-
so that, in Europe, unlike America, Facebook could not just sell ads to those car-showroom visitors. 因此,不同于美国,在欧洲,Facebook不可能向车展游客推送广告。
Laws against discrimination can be applied to an employer screening candidates' images. 针对歧视的法律可能被应用于筛选屏蔽候选人影像的雇主。
Suppliers of commercial face-recognition systems might submit to audits, to demonstrate that their systems are not propagating bias unintentionally. 商用脸部识别系统的供应商可能屈服于审计,以表明他们的系统没在无意识地宣扬偏见。
Firms that use such technologies should be held accountable. 使用这类技术的公司应当被追责。
Such rules cannot alter the direction of travel, however. 然而,这类规则不可能改变行进的方向。
Cameras will only become more common with the spread of wearable devices. 随着可穿戴设备的普及,影像设备只会变得更加常见。
Efforts to bamboozle facial-recognition systems, from sunglasses to make-up, are already being overtaken;  从墨镜到易容等各种欺骗脸部识别系统的尝试早已被赶超;
research from the University of Cambridge shows that artificial intelligence can reconstruct the facial structures of people in disguise. 剑桥大学的研究显示,人工智能能够重建伪装的人脸结构。
Google has explicitly turned its back on matching faces to identities, for fear of its misuse by undemocratic regimes. 由于担心被非民主政权滥用,Google已经明确地反对让人脸与身份相匹配。
Other tech firms seem less picky. 其他技术公司似乎没有这么挑剔。
Amazon and Microsoft are both using their cloud services to offer face recognition; it is central to Facebook's plans. 亚马逊和微软都在使用它们的云服务来提供脸部识别;这也是脸书各项计划的关键。
Governments will not want to forgo its benefits. 各国政府不会放弃脸部识别的各种好处。
Change is coming. 改变正在到来。
Face up to it. 面对它吧。