英语听力精选进阶版 9183(在线收听

In a break with president, China has unveiled a new leadership lineup that doesn't include an obvious successor to president Xi Jinping. At a ceremony in Beijing, Mr.Xi has been given 5 more years to lead the country. But analysts say he may be preparing to continue as president beyond that.


As a big police presence around the Kenya's supreme court, as it prepares to consider a last minute petition over the plan to rerun the presidential election. Human rights groups are seeking a delay to the vote, saying the election board isn't sufficiently prepared.


The government of Iraqi Kurdistan has offered to freeze the result of its independent referendum and entered the dialogue with Baghdad, so as to prevent further violence after recent fighting. There's not yet been any response from Iraqi government.


11 human rights activities are due to appear in court in Turkey , accused of aiding terrorist groups. One is the local director of Amnesty international. Amnesty says the charges are politically motivated.


The U.S secretary of state Rex Tillerson has been meeting Indian leaders in Delhi as the two countries aimed to deepening economic and strategic ties.


Two republican senators have made outspoken attacks on president Trump. They say he's damaged U.S democracy and lowered U.S standing aboard. The White House spokeswoman retorted Mr.Trump was more popular than the two people attacking him.


New research has suggested people taking bloodless triggered irregular heartbeat may also significantly lowered their risk of developing dementia. Scientists have speculated that anticoagulants may prevent dementia because they inhibit microscopic strokes.


And New Zealand's national party has been ordered to pay large damages for infringing the copyrights of the American rapper Eminem. In election effort, it's the second reverse for the national party this week. On Monday, it was turfed out of office.

