
 Today you can lay down -- lie on your living room floor, sipping bourbon, 如今你可以躺着,躺在卧室地板上,喝点小酒,

and teach yourself any language that you want to with wonderful sets such as Rosetta Stone. 用丰富的学习材料,例如Rosetta Stone语言学习软件,开始自学你喜欢的语言。
I highly recommend the lesser known Glossika as well. 我强烈推荐Glossika这个软件。
You can do it any time, therefore you can do it more and better. 你随时可以学习,所以你可以不断练习,熟能生巧。
You can give yourself your morning pleasures in various languages. 你可以在早晨感受多种语言。
I take some "Dilbert" in various languages every single morning; it can increase your skills. 我每个早上都看一点不同语言的《呆伯特》漫画,这可以不断提高你的能力。
Couldn't have done it 20 years ago when the idea of having any language you wanted in your pocket, coming from your phone 在20年前,能把你想要学习的任何语言装进口袋放在手机里,是不可能的,
would have sounded like science fiction to very sophisticated people. 对于那些老于世故的人而言,这就如同科幻小说。
So I highly recommend that you teach yourself languages other than the one that I'm speaking, 所以我强烈推荐你去学习除我现在说的英语之外的语言,
because there's never been a better time to do it. It's an awful lot of fun. 因为现在是最好的时间。这个过程太有意思了。
It won't change your mind, but it will most certainly blow your mind. Thank you very much. 它不会改变你的思维,但是它肯定会让你大开眼界。非常感谢。