英语听力精选进阶版 9188(在线收听

State television in Syria has announced that the Syrian army has forced all Islamic State militants out of the eastern city of Deir al-Zour. It said the city has been completely liberated from terrorism. Syrian troops and their allies took control of Deir al-Zour which IS seized in 2014 after weeks of fighting.


A Spanish judge is expected to issue a European arrest warrant for the former Catalonia leader Carlos Puidgemont and 4 of his ex-ministers who were in Belgium. 8 other former members of the Catalan government have spent their first night in prison and facing charges of sedition and rebellion over their moves to make Catalonia independent.

西班牙法官将向加泰罗尼亚前领导人卡莱斯 普伊格德蒙特以及身在比利时的4位前部长下发欧洲逮捕证。另有8名加泰罗尼亚政府前成员已在监狱度过了第一晚,并因试图使加泰罗尼亚独立而面临反叛以及妨害治安罪。

China says it has reached an agreement with Vietnam on managing their dispute over territory in the South China Sea. This follows what Beijing described as friendly talks. China says it's also working with other countries in the region to develop a code of conduct.


Twitter has admitted that president Trump's account was briefly deactivated by a rogue employee on the last day at the company. The social media group said it was conducting a full review.


A man who pleaded guilty to preparing terrorist attacks against government buildings in Australia has been jailed for more than 22 years. Sulayman Khalid was planning to attack the Australian federal police and prison in 2014.

一名策划对澳大利亚政府大楼进行恐怖袭击的男子被拘留22年。 Sulayman Khalid 曾于2014年计划袭击澳大利亚警方和监狱。

Pakistan's former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has appeared briefly in court in Islamabad in connection with two cases of alleged corruption. The hearing was agendum to next Tuesday after the court requested more documents. Mr. Sheriff denies any wrongdoing.


The French football player Patrice Evra who plays for Marseille could be facing a long ban after he acrobatically kicked one of his own fans in the head. Evra who was a substitute in a Europa League game in Portugal was sent off before the match even started.

