英语听力精选进阶版 9192(在线收听

The leaders of the U.S and China are expected to outline competing visions of global trade when they addressed the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Summit in Vietnam later. President Trump is expected to stress his America-first doctrine. Xi is likely to re-affirm China's openness to global free trade.


The French president Emmanuel Macron, who is in Saudi Arabia on an unscheduled visit, has said he will emphasize the importance of stability in Lebanon. France has close links with Lebanon, and Mr.Macron's visit comes days after the prime minister Saad Hariri resigned while in Riyadh, prompting suspicions that he was under pressure.

法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙在临时出访沙特期间表示,自己会强调黎巴嫩稳定性的重要性。法国与黎巴嫩有亲密的关系,马克龙出访之前的几天,黎巴嫩总理萨阿德· 哈里里在利雅得辞职,引发了其压力很大的猜测。

Roy Moore, the republican candidate to fill a vacant US senate seat for the state of Alabama, is facing allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenage girl nearly 40 years ago. The Washington Post quoted Leigh Corfman as saying that she was 14 years old when Mr.Moore initiated inappropriate sexual advances. Mr. Moore vehemently denies the allegations.


The US drugs regulator, the DEA, has announced new measures designed to stem the country's synthetic opium epidemic. It's re-classifying chemically altered versions of fentanyl to give them the same criminal status as heroin. Cutbacks in the prescription of legal opium over the past 2 years have driven addicts towards fentanyl-based drugs.


The Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos has said his worst nightmare would be seeing Venezuela's economy collapses and a wave of refugees. Mr.Santors said Columbia was ready taking almost 500,000 Venezuelans, and while he didn't contemplate closing the border, the situation was getting worse.

加泰罗尼亚主席胡安 桑托斯表示,自己最大的噩梦就是看到委内瑞拉的经济萎靡,涌现出一大批难民。桑托斯表示,哥伦比亚已经收容了近50万委内瑞拉人,而虽然他并未想过关闭边境,但局势确实每况日下。

And a supreme court judge in Spain has said the speaker of the Catalan parliament can be really stall on bail, pending an investigation into her role in the band push for independence.

