英语听力精选进阶版 9194(在线收听

Soldiers in Zimbabwe have taken over a state-run television to announce plans to seize those close to president Robert Mugabe, who is in their words has caused social and economic suffering. Shootings and explosions have been heard in the capital Harare, and armed vehicles have been deployed near parliament and government buildings. A general dressed fatigue, read the televised statement, denied the move mounted to a coup. He said the president was safe. There has been no word from Mr.Mugabe himself.


China is sending a high-level official to North Korea , just days after president Xi Jinping hosted president Donald Trump, on a visit which considered how to tackle Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. The Chinese state news agency said the head of the communist party's external affairs department would go on Friday.


The U.S secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in Myanmar for talks with Aung San Suu Kyi and the head of the armed force. Mr.Tillerson was expected to call for an end to the violence in Rakhine state, which prompted hundreds of thousands rohingya Muslims to flee.


The Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised the law to legalize same sex marriage will be passed before the end of this year. He was speaking after 60% voters backed the proposal in a postal ballot.


A U.S airline says it is stopping flights to Cuba because of new restrictions on travel to the island introduced by the Trump administration. Alaska airlines began operating direct flights between Los Angeles and Havana in January.


A Russian proposal to allow any foreign media operating in the country to be listed as a foreign agent has moved a step closer becoming a law, after Russia's lower house of parliament overwhelmingly approved it in a second reading. The move is in retaliation after U.S Justice department ordered the Russian state-TV channel RT to register as a foreign agent in Washington.

