CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 36 Happy Easter II 快乐复活节(下)(在线收听

Part 4 An Easter Party  复活节派对 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1     

Megan: Happy Easter, Jim. Are you ready to go to watch the parade?
Jim: Uh, not yet, I don't know what I should wear at the parade.
Megan: Here, I bought an extra Easter bonnet for you to wear.
Jim: I thought dressing up for Easter meant putting on your Sunday best.
Megan: What's wrong? Don't you like my bunny costume?
Jim: It's very...harey. Hah! But what about this bonnet? Bonnets are for girls.
Megan: C'mon, Jim. Where's your Easter spirit? Didn't you celebrate Easter as a kid?
Jim: Actually, yeah. I'd get an Easter basket full of candy and a big chocolate bunny.
Megan: Did the Easter bunny, I mean your folks, hide your basket?
Jim: Uh-huh, always in a different spot--- the fireplace, the dryer, and the dishwasher...
Megan: And what about Easter egg hunts? They sound like so much fun.
Jim: They are. Our family has one for the young ones every year.
Megan: That's great. Can I go?
Jim: Sure, after the parade. I was going to go anyway. Easter is like family reunion time for my family.
Megan:Oh, I won't be intruding, will I?


1. 对话中,Megan 和Jim要去参加复活节游行,也就是Easter parade, 为了庆祝复活节的到来,纽约市民每年都要举行盛大的游行。很多人都会穿上色彩华丽、造型各异的服装,戴上百合花等鲜花组成的高帽子,象征着春天、再生和希望。

2. 在多数西方国家,复活节一般要举行盛大的游行。不过,如今的游行宗教色彩已经不浓,倒是喜庆气氛增加了不少,看来西方人很喜欢节日游行,有什么重大节日一定要用盛装游行来庆祝,比如感恩节,国庆日等等,好像这样过节才比较热闹。

3. 对话中Megan和Jim就要去参加复活节游行,不过Jim不知道自己应该在游行上穿戴什么,不过不用担心,Megan那有一顶多余的复活节女帽可以借给Jim戴,复活节女帽就是Easter bonnet,就是那种有帽带能系起来的女帽。

4. 但是Jim以为复活节那天的打扮应该是最体面的衣服,而不是一些乱七八糟的搞怪服饰。他说,I thought dressing up for Easter meant putting on your Sunday best. dress up for something,表示“为某种场合而盛装打扮”, 比如说,Don't bother to dress up---come as you are. 用不着穿讲究衣服,就穿平常的衣服来就行了。

5. 但是dress sb up in something/ as sb/sth却表示“化妆,装扮”,就像化妆舞会上的装扮,一般都是比较搞怪的,例如,They were dressed up in Victorian clothes. 他们化妆成维多利亚时代的人。关于dress up还有一个在口语当中经常使用的句子,就是be dressed up to kill,意思就是“穿着很考究,引人注目,特别是用来指吸引异性的打扮”。

6 .Jim说的Sunday best是指“最好的衣服”,根据基督教的传统,大家在周日去教堂做礼拜的时候,会穿上最体面的衣服,所以Sunday best过去也称为“礼拜服”。Megan以为Jim不喜欢她的兔子装,也就是bunny costume。就像圣诞老人是小朋友心目中送来圣诞礼物的代表,“复活节兔子” Easter bunny就是带来复活节彩蛋和糖果的代表。这里的costume是指“道具服装,戏服”,跟一般的服装clothes不同。

7. Jim说Megan的服装真是“兔到最高点了”,也就是说“像极了一只兔子”,他用了harey这个词,这个词的原形是hare,“野兔”的意思,但是harey是Jim故意从这个名词转来的形容词,实际上这个单词并不存在。

8. 看来Jim并不是很喜欢Megan的兔子服装,他也觉得这顶Easter bonnet是给女孩子戴的,并不适合他。Megan劝他,C'mon, Jim. Where's your Easter spirit? Didn't you celebrate Easter as a kid? 拜托,Jim,你的复活节精神到哪里去了?你小时候没有庆祝过复活节吗?Didn't you celebrate Easter as a kid? 是一个反问句。

9. Jim小时候当然庆祝过复活节,而且他还会拿到一个装满糖果,还有一个大巧克力兔子的复活节篮子。Megan又问Jim,你的父母会把这个篮子藏起来吗?在复活节这天呢,父母通常会给孩子们准备一个复活节篮子,然后把这个篮子藏起来,让孩子们自己来找,这也是复活节的一个传统习俗。

10. Jim说,他的父母每年都会把复活节篮子藏在不同的地方,比如说壁炉啊,烘干机,洗碗机这些地方,Megan又问找复活节彩蛋的活动也会很好玩吧。Easter egg hunt是指“找复活节彩蛋的活动”,如果是泛指这个活动,就会用复数形式,Easter egg hunts。这找复活节彩蛋的活动也是复活节必有的游戏活动之一。

11. Jim说找复活节彩蛋是很好玩,他说,They are. 这里的they是来代替Easter egg hunts. 补充完整了就是Easter egg hunts are fun. Jim家每年都会为小朋友办一次找彩蛋活动。Megan一听就来了兴致,想到Jim家一起去玩。Jim说没有问题,反正他也打算要回家去。对他而言呢,复活节就像是家人团聚的时间。

12. 既然是这样,Megan问Jim,Oh, I won't be intruding, will I? 我应该不会打扰你吧。intrude 表示“闯入,侵入,打扰”,是一个比较正式的词,比如说,I don't wish to intrude, but could I talk to you for a moment? 我无意打扰,不过我可以和您谈谈吗?

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2  

Mom: Oh, honey. You came. I'm so glad! Why are you wearing a bonnet?
Jim: Uh, just for fun. Happy Easter, Mom. We got you these Easter lilies.
Mom: They're beautiful! Jim, you're so pale and skinny!
Jim: Of course I'm pale. It's just now the beginning of spring. I don't have my summer tan yet.
Mom: I guess. Are you sure you're taking care of yourself?
Jim: I'm FINE, Mom. Remember Megan?


1. 对话中,Jim回到了家,见到了妈妈。见Jim回到了家,妈妈很高兴,不过她很奇怪为什么Jim戴了一顶女帽。Jim回答,只是戴着好玩,just for fun,这也是一个很有用的词组,比如说,I'm studying German just for fun. 我的德语就是学着玩的。

2. 他们给Jim的妈妈带来了一些复活节百合,Easter lily,是在百合花中最受欢迎的品种,我们在上一课当中提到过。Jim的妈妈觉得Jim看起来又苍白又瘦弱,很担心他,Jim很不以为然,现在才刚到春天,还没有机会把皮肤晒成健康的古铜色,看起来当然苍白了。summer tan 就是指“夏天把皮肤晒黑”。

3. 妈妈很担心的问Jim,Are you sure you're taking care of yourself? 你真的好好照顾自己了吗?Jim很不耐烦妈妈的唠叨,说,I'm FINE, Mom. 不管孩子多大了,做母亲的总是会担心自己的孩子。Jim急着转移话题,Remember Megan? 还记得Megan吗?Remember someone? 这也是一个介绍别人的时候能用上的句型。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3  

Megan: Boy, it looks like everyone in your family is here, from young to old.
Jim: Easter's a good day for reunions. The family goes to church together. Megan: And after church they come here for lunch?
Jim: Yup, a big potluck buffet. And then----notice there are no children around?
Megan: What's up with that?
Jim: (gives Megan an egg) The kids wait in the house while the grownups hide these. Hide away, Megan!


1. Jim的一家人在复活节这天都赶了回来,Megan说Boy, it looks like everyone in your family is here, from young to old. 天哪,看来你的一家老小都在这里了。from young to old,从老人到孩子,这里用形容词young 和old来表示年轻人和老年人这两个群体。

2. 复活节这天很适合家人团聚,全家人都会一起去教堂。从教堂回来之后,所有人就会回家来吃午餐,就是一个big potluck buffet,各自带菜的大型自助餐会,potluck是指“聚餐”,也就是每个客人都自带食物然后大家分着吃,感觉就像别人带什么你吃什么,能不能吃到好的就看你的运气了。

3. Jim提醒Megan注意到小孩子们都不见了吗?这是为什么呢?原来在大人们藏复活节彩蛋的时候,孩子们都会在房子里面等。等大人藏好了,他们就可以出来玩找复活节彩蛋的游戏了。What's up with that? 这在口语中也很常用,表示“…是怎么一回事?”。

4. Jim递给Megan一个复活节彩蛋,让Megan把它藏起来。那么结果会怎样呢?下面就知道了。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4  

Megan: (out of breath) Hide me, Jim! The kids all think I'm the real Easter bunny!
Jim: Aw, that's sweet! I knew your costume would be a success.
Megan: It's a success all right. The kids keep trying to catch me.
Jim: Yeah, I saw that. I thought you were playing a game with them.
Megan: Some game! You try being tackled by ten kids at once!
Jim: Um, Megan? Look behind you! They're coming this way.


1. 对话中,Megan成了孩子们攻击的目标,因为她穿着复活节兔子的服装,所以小孩子们都把她当成了真正的复活节兔子,都追着她要彩蛋,Jim不但不帮她,还在一旁幸灾乐祸,that's sweet! I knew your costume would be a success. 啊呦,真可爱啊!我就知道你的兔子服会大受欢迎的。

2.  Megan手忙脚乱,It's a success all right. 是大受欢迎没有错,这句话当中的all right,我们以前也提到过,表示“绝对肯定,错不了”。Megan的服装很受欢迎,孩子们一直追着她跑,想抓住她。这时Jim还在说风凉话,他说,I saw that. I thought you were playing a game with them. 我看见他们一直追着你了,我还以为你和他们在玩游戏呢。play a game with someone,跟某人做游戏。

3. Megan气急败坏,说Some game! You try being tackled by ten kids at once! 什么游戏啊?你试试看被10个小孩子追是什么滋味! 这里的some表示“….还真是不怎么样”,非常口语化。大家注意,some这么用的时候通常是放在句首的。我们来举个例子,---Tom copied my homework and then told Ms Smith it was his work! ---Some friend! ---汤姆抄我的作业,还跟史密斯小姐说那是他写的。---真个朋友真烂,也就是这个朋友真的不怎么样。

4. tackle这里的意思是“攻击”,是指在美式足球比赛里面的一种动作,就是把对方抱起来并且把他摔倒在地。真的挺恐怖的。Jim提醒Megan注意后面,又有敌人进攻了。

Dialogue Script 5  对话原文 5  

Megan: It seems like Easter is a lot like Chinese New Year.

Dialogue Script 6  对话原文 6  

(Time for the egg rolling races)

Jim: OK, Megan. See that finish line way over there? This is a race. We roll our eggs there with our wooden spoons.
Megan: Don't we take turns? There are over twenty people!
Jim: Nope. It's more fun together. Ready, everybody? On your mark...get set...roll!
Megan: This is so fun! Hey,'re too close. Watch out for my egg!
Jim: Ahhh! (Jim slips and falls on Megan's egg)
Megan: Jim! Jim? Are you OK?

Megan: I'm glad you're OK. That was a hard fall earlier.
Jim: It wasn't that bad. I'll live. So, this time we're using a raw egg.
Megan: Is that why we're throwing underhanded?
Jim: Yep, if you throw too hard, the other person will get covered in egg.
Megan: So, I shouldn't throw it like this! (Throws egg over-handed to Jim)
Jim: (The egg splats on Jim's head) Uh, yeah...Thanks, Megan.
Megan: Oops, I didn't mean to make you have egg on your face.


1. 对话中,对话中Megan和Jim一家在进行滚复活节彩蛋的游戏,这也是复活节一个传统的游戏项目,每年白宫也会举行一场滚复活节彩蛋的比赛,总统和总统夫人会亲自主持,还会进行电视直播。比赛的规则就是看谁能用木勺子把蛋推的最远,又没有破,谁就是赢家。

2. Megan问我们不轮流上场吗?这里差不多有20个人进行比赛。Jim说,不用,大家一起玩会比较有趣。take turns to do something,表示“轮流做某事”。好,比赛开始了,Ready, everybody? On your mark...get set...roll! 准备好了吗?各就各位,预备,开始滚!这在田径比赛中会经常用到。

3. Megan玩的很高兴,Jim靠的太近了,结果一跤摔在Megan的复活节彩蛋上面,这可把大家吓了一跳,因为他看起来摔的不清啊。不过并不严重,Jim说,It wasn't that bad. I'll live. 没那么可怕,我没事的,死不了。

4. 但是糟糕的是这次用来滚的彩蛋是生鸡蛋,这就是为什么要把鸡蛋从下往上抛,因为如果太用力,负责接的另一个人就会被鸡蛋砸到。underhanded 是“由下往上抛”,那么over-handed就是指“由上向下抛”。

5.Megan就照着Jim的话做了一下,结果鸡蛋正好打在了Jim的头上,真是惨不忍睹啊。I didn't mean to make you have egg on your face. 这句话是一语双关,表面上看是“让某人脸上有蛋”,但是have egg on one's face 最常见的意义是“让某人感到尴尬,丢脸或者难堪”。因为Megan把蛋砸在了Jim的脸上,那么这里正好用这个说法的双关意义开玩笑。比如说,---You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years!---But vintage is stylish now. ---你让我穿那件旧礼服参加舞会?我会难堪好几年的。---但是现在正流行复古啊。

Jim: I can see that, what with the family get-togethers and the fancy outfits.
Megan: And because both are celebrations of spring.
Jim: True, but with Easter, we dye eggs and we do Easter baskets instead of firecrackers and hongbaos.
Megan: Hey, to each his own. So, how does this look?
Jim: It's no Easter egg contest winner, but I bet it's a good roller.


1. 对话中Megan和Jim一家在画复活节彩蛋。Megan觉得复活节的气氛跟中国的春节差不多,Jim说“我可以了解”,I can see that. 这句话在口语中也很好用。

2. 的确,复活节和春节在家人团聚和盛装打扮方面很相像。而且两个都是春天的节庆日,不过在复活节这天,没有鞭炮和红包,而是彩绘鸡蛋和准备复活节篮子,庆祝的方式是不一样的。firecrackers and hongbaos 就是指“鞭炮和红包”。

3. Megan说,to each his own. 这句话的意思是“大家各有所好”。不同的文化或者个体之间,一定会有差异,有些在你看来很怪的东西,别人却感到很正常。所以当听到对方的喜好或者习惯跟自己不同时,你就可以说To each his own.表示“大家各有所好,也就是俗话说的“萝卜白菜,各有所爱”。来给大家举个例子吧,---I like stinky tofu and pig's blood. ---Gross! Well, I like caviar and blue cheese. To each his own. ---我喜欢吃臭豆腐和猪血。---好恶心,呃,我喜欢吃鱼子酱和篮纹奶酪。大家各有所好了。

4. Megan画了一个彩蛋,问Jim觉得怎么样,Jim评价说,这个彩蛋肯定赢不了复活节彩蛋比赛的冠军,可是滚起来应该很快,适合参加复活节滚彩蛋比赛,就是egg rolling races。

