英语听力精选进阶版 9238(在线收听

Share prices in the United States have plunged by more than 1,000 points in the biggest one day fall since the financial crisis a decade ago. The Doug Jones index closed 4.6% lower. From New York, here is Yogata Lemine.


Trouble began for stock market here on Friday last week when the Labor Department released employment numbers. They showed stronger growth in wages than was then expected. If salaries rise, the expectation is that people would spend more, pushing consumer prices up. To keep that under control, America Central Bank will need to hike interest rates. That's pretty much what's scared investors. They were expecting the US Federal Reserve to increase rates 2-3 times this year. But with the strong job report, they fear there may be a few more. The fallen share prices came as Jerome Powell was sworn in as the new chair of the Fed and it underscores the challenge he faces.


A white house spokesman says stock markets may fluctuate from time to time but President Trump was focused on the country's long term economic fundamentals which he said remain exceptionally strong.


The US Congressional Committee has voted to make public a classified Democratic Party memorandum responding to Republican claims that the FBI was biased against President Donald Trump in its Russia investigation. The memo has been written by Adam Schiff, the senior democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. It's sent to highlight alleged inaccuracies in the previous memo written by the Republican committee chairman Devin Nunes. That strongly criticizes both the FBI and the Justice Department.


The opposition in the Maldives has accused President Abdulla Yameen of a purge after he declared the state of emergency. Mr. Yameem has ordered the arrest of the former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and sent security forces into the Supreme Court. The US National Security Council warned that the world was watching the Maldives and urged the government and military to respect the rule of law. President Yameen has defied the Supreme Court order last week to release 9 political prisoners and reinstate opposition MPs.World News from the BBC.

