欧美人文风情第102篇:回到福岛 - 核能安全吗?(在线收听

 We aren't allowed into the zone, 我们不被允许进入那区域,

so former resident Kunitomo Tokuzawa is taking a camera for us to chart his trip back home with his mother. 所以前居民Kunitomo Tokuzawa为了我们携带一台摄影机,纪录和母亲回家的旅程。
Two hours later, everyone returns with their carefully selected belongings. 两个小时之后,每个人带着精挑细选的随身物品回来。
They're allowed to bring out just one bagful, measuring seventy centimeters by seventy centimeters. 他们仅被允许带出一满袋七十公分见方的东西。
I brought back my wife's cooking recipes. Also photographs and pictures. 我带回了老婆的食谱。还有相片和画像。
My grandfather's remains and ashes. 我奶奶的骨灰。
It's very sad and unfair. 真的很可悲、很不公平。
Kunitomo returns with the camera and a glimpse into an abandoned world. Kunitomo带回了摄影机并瞥见了一个被遗弃的世界。
Good to see you. Okay, well, come and tell me all about it. 很高兴见到你。好的,嗯,来通通告诉我。
Alright then, good morning everyone. The officials got off the bus and measured the radiation. 好了,大家早。官方人员下公车测量辐射。
Once they'd checked, it was safe. We got off.  当他们测量过后,是安全的。我们下车。
Right now, I'm in the evacuation zone. 现在,我在疏散区。
The road has subsided and a crack has opened up. 路面下沉,开出了条裂缝。
There's no sign of any people. 没有任何人的迹象。
Right, now I'm going to go inside my house.  好,现在我要进入我家。
The inside of the house was extremely hot.It was hot.  屋内非常炎热。好热。
The things in the fridge are completely rotten. It smells awful. 冰箱里的东西完全腐烂了。闻起来很糟糕。
Our cat has gone. I don't know when this water is from. 我们的猫咪消失了。我不知道这水是何时就在了。
How many months ago I wonder. 我在想是多少个月之前的事情。
When I went up to the second floor, because my own room was on the second floor, 当我上二楼,因为我的房间在二楼,
naturally that moment brought back the most memories. 自然而然那时刻带回了最多的回忆。
My heart hurt. That's how I felt. Oh well. 我心好痛。那是我的感觉。好吧。
Even with all this, they have held on. Amazing! They're healthy. All that's left. 即使历经这所有,它们还坚持着。它们很健康。那是所有剩下的了。
We were glad to return home, even if it was just for an hour. 我们很高兴重返家园,即使只有一个小时。
But I won't return there any more most likely, even if the restrictions are lifted. 但即使管制解除,我大概也不会再回去那里。
As for living there, it's a bit too much. 至于住在那儿,有点太不理智了。