欧美人文风情第123篇:Gordon Ramsay的脆皮鲑鱼料理(在线收听

 Crispy Salmon with Crushed New Potatoes. These are boiled, new potatoes, and we peel the skin off. 脆皮鲑鱼和嫩马铃薯泥。这些是水煮的嫩马铃薯,然后我们把皮剥掉。

And that can be done the day before. And all we're gonna do is just sort of crush them. 那可以在前一天完成。而我们要做的就有点像是压碎它们。
We just get them into the pan in the olive oil. Take the chilled out potatoes. 我们只要把它们放入锅子的橄榄油里面。拿已经退冰的马铃薯。
Because of the heat, the bowl of potatoes then becomes a little bit furious. 因为那热度,那碗马铃薯接着变得有点吱吱作响。
So just bring up the temperature a little. Let me get a hold of a fork. 所以只要把温度提高一点点。让我拿一把叉子。
Okay, now you can hear oil is nice and just slightly hot. 好的,现在你可以听到油已经好了且只有一点点热度。
Take them off the stove. And then we use fork, the back of your fork to bring potatoes in and crush them. 把它们移开火炉。然后我们用叉子,你叉子的背面去把马铃薯拨进来并压碎它们。
But don't overwork it, because you just want them to absorb that olive oil. 但是不要压过头,因为你只是想要它们吸收橄榄油。
Okay, no more than that. Now, we still have got heat in there. 好的,不要再压了。现在,那儿还有点余温。
What we're gonna do is that we put in some spring onions. 我们要做的就是放一些青葱进去。
We're gonna use the tops and the bottoms. 我们要用前端和尾端。
And it's actually like eating a really nice warm potato salad. 而它实际上就像是在吃一份很棒的马铃薯温沙拉。
Then season it lightly, salt and pepper, and then only get the white crab meat in there. 然后稍微调味一下,盐和胡椒粉,然后只要把白蟹肉放进去。
I'm gonna lightly mix that up now, and mix that spring onion in, with the potatoes and the crab. 我现在要稍微地搅拌混合它,然后把青葱拌进去,跟马铃薯和蟹肉一起。
And now just to give it a little bit more depth, and get everything work together, 而现在只要给它加上一点深度,然后把所有东西融合在一起,
I'm gonna put a bit of vinaigrette in there. 我要放一点油醋酱进去。
And now, vinaigrettes that we use in all the restaurants: I just made it out of olive oil, water, lemon juice, salt and pepper. 现在我们所有餐厅都会用到的油醋酱:我只用橄榄油、水、柠檬汁、盐巴和胡椒粉将它做出来。
We put water in there because it just lightens, sort of enriches the olive oil. 我们放水进去因为它稀释橄榄油,有点儿使它更有风味。
And it becomes less cloying on the top of the palate so it becomes a lot easier. 而且它在你的味蕾上变得比较不腻口,因此它会变得更容易入口。
And we're just gonna finish appetizers with the fresh vinaigrette. 然后我们就用新鲜的油醋酱来完成开胃菜。
Now that seems a bit weird because this is a plastic bottle, so that you expect them in the hairdresser. 现在那看起来有点怪,因为那是个塑胶瓶,所以你以为会在美发厅里看到它们。
But it's not. Every restaurant in the country is now using these plastic bottles. 但它不是。现在这国家的每个餐厅都在用这些塑胶瓶。
Just glaze the top of the potatoes. 只要浇淋在马铃薯上面。
Then just to finish it, we get some fresh coriander, and that just sort of brings everything back to life. 然后要完成它,我们放一些新鲜的香菜上去,那就会有点儿像让所有东西活了过来。
Again, just chop it closely. Don't bruise it, and get it in there. 再说一次,就把它切细碎。不要把它压伤,把它放进去那边。
Now, that, just on its own, is delicious. 现在,那、就它自己本身,那很美味了。
But just to take it a little bit further, we'll get some really nice crispy salmon. 但是为了更上一层楼,我们会弄一些真的很棒的脆皮鲑鱼。
Now, a lot of people have problems eating skin on fish, and skinning is very difficult. 现在,很多人不喜欢吃鱼皮,而且去皮是非常困难的。
But when you get sea trout, salmon, rainbow trout, you're really gonna get it nice and crispy. 但是当你有海鳟、鲑鱼、虹鳟,真的要把它煮得很棒很酥脆。所以拿起你的鱼。
So get your fish, roll it up like that, and then just use your knife and let your knife do the work. 像那样卷起来。然后就用你的刀子,让你的刀子干活。
Just goes down half an inch into the salmon, and keep them quite close together because the closer they are together, the crispier the skin's gonna get. 只要切进鱼身半英寸(约1.3公分),然后让刀口保持紧密,因为靠越近,鱼皮就会变得越酥脆。
And if you didn't score the skin, what happens is when it goes into the pan, it curls up, 而如果你没有划开鱼皮,会发生的事情是,当它放到平底锅里,它会卷起来,
so the fish is cooked unevenly. So I'm just going to put the salt in there. 因而鱼会煎得不平均。所以我就要放点盐在那边。
And if you wanna go a little bit further, become a little bit more sort of glamorous, 然后如果你要再有点深度,变得有点更像是迷人的,
get some thyme flowers in there, or some rosemary in there, or some fresh basil in there. 加一些百里香花进去,或是一些迷迭香,或一些新鲜的罗勒进去。
And stick that in. 然后塞进去。
Now glaze the top with olive oil. Olive oil in the pan, and just as it starts smoking, get the fish in. 现在在上头浇淋橄榄油。放橄榄油在锅子里,当它开始冒烟的时候,把鱼放进去。
First, skin side down, just put your fingers on top like that. 首先,鱼皮那一面朝下,像这样就把你手指放在上面压着。
And that helps keep it nice and flat. Season the top of it. And don't touch it. 那会帮助它保持良好平坦。调味上面那一面。然后不要碰它。
Everyone gets a little bit nervous about cooking fish, because they think it's sort of difficult. It's not. 每个人煎鱼时都会有点紧张,因为他们认为有点难度。它不难。
The most important thing to remember when you're cooking fish is stop touching it, leave it. 最重要要记得的事是当你在煎鱼的时候,别碰它,把它放在一边。
Leave it in there to cook. Turn it once and once only, and use a fish slice. 放在一边煮。翻面一次而且就那么一次,并使用一个煎鱼锅铲。
That's all. Nothing complicated than that. 那样就好。就这么简单。
You can always tell when your salmon is cooked, because can't you see the difference in the color is changing already? 你总是能够分辨出你的鲑鱼什么时候煮好,因为难道你看不到颜色已经改变了吗?
So, it's traveling up through, and when that gets the two-thirds of the way up there, it's time to turn the salmon. 所以,它正在往上移动,而当那到了三分之二高的地方时,就是帮鲑鱼翻面的时候了。
That's not rocket science, is it? Just watch the color of what you're cooking. Keep an eye on it. 那不会难如登天,是吗?只要注意你所烹煮的食物颜色。盯着它。
Time four and half to five minutes and flip it over. Spatula under and turn. 计时四分半或是五分钟然后翻面。铲子放到底下然后翻面。
Look! Nice crispy salmon. All you do now is just gonna tilt the pan, and let all the olive oil go down the bottom. 看!多棒的脆皮鲑鱼。现在你所要做的就只是倾斜下锅子,让所有的橄榄油流下去到底部。
And that cooks the sort of bottom of the salmon, and this helps it evenly cook. 那样煎鲑鱼的底部,然后这帮助它均匀地烹煎。
Back over and just leave it resting on its skin. Take it off the heat. 用铲子翻面然后就让它鱼皮在下的放着。离开火源。
There's enough heat in the pan to keep it warm in there. 锅子里还有足够的余温保持里面的温度。
And that will just stay really nice and crispy. Ok, gonna finish this dish with some really nice tomatoes. 而那就会保持很棒很酥脆。好了,加上一些真正很棒的番茄来完成这道菜。
And the reason why I like these tomatoes is because there's nothing to do except cut them in half, lightly season them, 还有为何我喜欢这些番茄是因为除了把它们切成两半以外,不用做任何处理,只要稍微调味,
and put them in the oven on a pilot light, overnight. 然后把它们放进烤箱里的微火上,放一晚。
Ok, to serve it, it's quite sort of rustic. So keep it rustic. Just be very generous. 好的,要上菜了,它是颇有点乡村式的。所以让它保持乡村风格。就慷慨一点吧。
And then just get your tomatoes, and just pick them up and place them around. 然后只要拿出番茄,拿起它们并排整齐。
I love tomatoes. So be quite generous with them. 我爱番茄,所以大方地放上去。
Take the salmon out of the pan, on top of the potatoes. 把鲑鱼拿出锅子,放到马铃薯上面。
You know, it's solid. You know, it's crispy. And that skin is really delicious. 你知道,它是厚实的。是的,它是酥脆的。而且那鱼皮非常美味。
Got my classic vinaigrette in my hairdressers' bottle, and just, look, pour! 拿起我那装在美发师瓶子里的经典油醋酱,然后就,你看,淋上去!
This lovely vinaigrette! 这美妙的油醋酱!
And here we have this very easy, straightforward Christian potatoes with spring onions, fresh crab meat, 然后这边我们有这非常简单、直接了当的基督徒式马铃薯加上青葱、新鲜蟹肉
and really nice strong sweet tomato vinaigrette. 和非常棒、甜味浓重的番茄和油醋酱。