美国小学英语教材4:第160课 年轻武士 西格德(6)(在线收听

 "Here is your horse, Sigurd," said the old man. “这是你的马,西格德,”老人说。

"Strong and swift is he, and on his back you shall ride to great victories. Only think not of yourself nor fear for your life!" 这匹马强壮敏捷,你可以骑在马背上取得伟大的胜利。不要为你自己着想,也不要为你的生命担忧!”
Before Sigurd could thank him, the stranger had gone. 西格德还没来得及谢他,陌生人就走了。
The beautiful gray animal stood as if waiting for his master to mount him. 这只美丽的灰色马站在那里,好像在等待主人骑上它。
The happy boy sprang upon his back and rode toward the palace. 快乐的西格德跳起来,骑着马向宫殿走去。
"You have chosen a splendid steed, my son," said the king when Sigurd reached the palace. “你选了一匹好马,孩子。”当西格德到达王宫时,国王说。
"He will be strong and swift. But why did you choose this one from among all the horses in the meadow?" “他强壮敏捷。但你为什么从草地上所有的马中选择这匹马呢?”
Then Sigurd told of the strange old man who had met him near the river. 然后西格德讲述了那个在河边遇见的奇怪老人。
The good king looked lovingly at the boy and asked, "Did he say anything of the time when you shall ride away from us?" 善良的国王深情地看着西格德,问道:“他有没有说过你什么时候可以骑马离开我们?”
"He only told me that I should not think of myself nor be afraid, if I wished to do great deeds," said Sigurd. “他只是告诉我,如果我想做大事,就不要为自己着想,也不要害怕,”西格德说。
"You will do great deeds, my Sigurd, but there is time enough," said the king, "for you are still young." 国王说:“西格德,你会做大事的,但你还有足够的时间,因为你还年轻。”
Regin's Story 雷金的故事
So the days passed, and Sigurd rode his splendid horse and worked at the forge and was happy always. 日子就这样一天天过去了。西格德骑着他那匹漂亮的马,在铁匠铺里干活,一直过得很开心。
One day when he sat in the smithy, Regin told him stories of heroes who had fought many battles and had at last become kings. 一天,当他坐在铁匠铺里时,雷金给他讲了许多英雄的故事,他们身经百战,最后成为了国王。
Then Regin said, "You are the son of a noble warrior. 然后雷金说:“你是伟大战士的儿子,
Why do you remain here, when there are great deeds to be done?" 有许多大事要做,为什么还留在这里呢?”
"Some day I shall do great deeds, Regin," said Sigurd. “总有一天我会干大事的,雷金。”西格德说。
"But I am not yet old enough. “但我还没有完全长大。”