美国小学英语教材4:第162课 年轻武士 西格德(8)(在线收听

 Then Sigurd looked straight at Regin with his clear, honest eyes. 接着西格德用他清澈诚实的眼睛目不转睛地看着雷金。

"Yes," he said, "I will go at once and do this deed. But the gold is evil. It has brought unhappiness to many. 说道:“是的,我马上去做,但金子是邪恶的,它给许多人带来了不幸。
It made your father selfish, and it made your brother wicked. 它让你的父亲变的自私,让你的兄弟变的邪恶。
Because of it, you hated your brother. Because of it, this wicked dragon has killed many good men. 因为金子,你恨你的兄弟。因为金子,这条邪恶的龙杀死了许多善良的人。
Not for the sake of the gold will I go and do this deed, but to rid the world of the terrible monster!" 我做这件事不是为了金子,而是为了把这个可怕的怪物从这个世界上除掉!”
The next day Sigurd came to the smithy and said to Regin, "You have given me a great work to do. Now I have something to ask from you." 第二天,西格德来到铁匠铺,对雷金说:“你交给我一件伟大的事情,现在我有一件事要问你。”
"Ask whatever you wish, Sigurd, and I will do it for you," said Regin. “你想问什么就问吧,我会为你办到的,西格德”雷金说道。
"Make me a sword, good and strong, from the pieces of my father's old sword." “求你用我父亲那把旧剑的碎片帮我打造一把坚韧的好剑。”
Regin smiled and answered, "Bring me the pieces, so that I can weld them together." 雷金笑着回答说:“把碎片给我,我好把它们焊接在一起。”
Sigurd went to his mother and said, "Mother, where are the pieces of my father's sword which you have kept for me all these years?" 西格德走到他母亲跟前说:“母亲,这些年来您把父亲的剑片保存在哪里呢?”
"My Sigurd, you are still too young for such a weapon," said his mother. "Wait a few years, and then I will give it to you." “我的西格德,你还太小,不适合拿这种武器,”母亲说。“再等几年,我就给你。”
"Give it to me now, I beg you, Mother, for the time has come for me to do the deeds of a hero." “现在把它给我吧,求你了母亲,因为现在是我做英雄的时候了。”
"What are the deeds which you will do, Sigurd?" “孩子,你要做什么?”
"Mother, there is evil which must be conquered, and there are wrongs which must be made right. I cannot wait!" “母亲,有些邪恶是必须克服的,有些错误是必须纠正的,我不能等!”