美国语文第六册 第118期:上帝无处不在(在线收听

 Oh! show me where is He, 啊,指给我他在哪里,

The high and holy One, 崇高和神圣的唯一,
To whom thou bend’st the knee, 在他面前你必须屈膝,
And prayest, Thy will be done! 祷告,“你的使命已经完成!”
I hear thy song of praise, 我听到对你赞美的歌声,
And lo! no form is near: 瞧!附近没有人的样子;
Thine eyes I see thee raise, 我从你的上升看到你的目光,
But where doth God appear? 可是,上帝在那里现身?
Oh! teach me who is God, and where his glories shine, 啊,告诉我上帝是谁,他的荣耀在那里闪光,
That I may kneel and pray, and call thy Father mine. 我也许会跪下祈祷,呼唤我的圣父。
Gaze on that arch above: 凝望拱门上方:
The glittering vault admire. 光彩夺目的穹顶怎不叫人夸奖。
Who taught those orbs to move? 谁叫那些圆形物体移动?
Who lit their ceaseless fire? 谁点燃了它们永不熄灭的火光?
Who guides the moon to run in silence through the skies? 谁指引月亮绕着天际默默转动?
Who bids that dawning sun in strength and beauty rise? 谁下令黎明前的太阳在力与美中冉冉升起?
There view immensity! behold! my God is there: 那是视野的无限!看啊!我的上帝就在那里:
The sun, the moon, the stars, his majesty declare. 太阳,月亮,群星,他的庄严宣示道。
See where the mountains rise: 看看群山在哪里拔地而起:
Where thundering torrents foam; 不息的雷声卷起泡沫;
Where, veiled in towering skies, the eagle makes his home: 在那掩在高耸入云的天际之中的地方,雄鹰奔向它的家乡:
Where savage nature dwells, my God is present, too: 在野蛮人聚居的地方,我的上帝也在那里:
Through all her wildest dells 穿过她最荒凉的幽谷,
His footsteps I pursue: 我把他的脚步声找寻:
He reared those giant cliffs, supplies that dashing stream, 他躲在那些巨大的峭壁后面,让那条奔流直泻的小溪
Provides the daily food which stills the wild bird’s scream. 为还在鸣叫的野鸟提供食物。
Look on that world of waves, 看那波浪翻滚的世界,
Where finny nations glide; 长着鳍的族类在那里滑行,
Within whose deep, dark caves 在深深地黑魆魆的洞穴里,
The ocean monsters hide: 大洋鬼怪藏身之地:
His power is sovereign there, 他是那里的主宰,
To raise, to quell the storm; 暴风雨任由他掌控;
The depths his bounty share, 他慷慨地和大家分享深渊,
Where sport the scaly swarm: 那里多鳞的族类玩得欢:
Tempests and calms obey the same almighty voice, 暴风雨和雨过天晴遵守同一个万能的声音,
Which rules the earth and skies, and bids far worlds rejoice. 统治地上和天空,下令远方的世界与他们一同欢庆。”