
 You've worked hard all week, meetings, presentations, emails, more emails...and it's finally the weekend!  你卖力工作整周,开会、报告、电子邮件、更多电子邮件...然后终于是周末啦!

Here's the trouble: We spend all week learning how to be productive,  问题来了:我们花了整星期学习如何有生产力,
so it's hard to break the seal when Friday comes. 所以当星期五来临时,很难去开启放假模式。
You can try to avoid work, but you're still in work mode.  你可以试着避开工作,但你还是处在工作模式。
See, the key to having a real break during the weekend is to do things that are not productive. 你知道,在周末时能真正休息的关键,是做些没生产力的事情。
So, while turning off the phone is good, creating something with your bare hands is better. 所以,虽然将手机关机是件好事,但用双手制作一些东西更棒。
And while turning off the email may be helpful, taking your family on a hiking trip to a state park will actually help you disconnect. 虽然关掉你的电子邮件可能有用,带你的家人到州立公园远足却能真正帮你远离工作。
So, do something this weekend that makes you focus on being unproductive,  所以,这个周末就做些让你专注在耍废的事情上,
and it might just feel like a weekend again. 一切可能再度感觉像个周末喽。