美国小学英语教材3:第154课 旗帜 我们的旗帜(在线收听

 Flag, Our Flag 旗帜,我们的旗帜

Flag, that waves the whole day through, 每天飘扬的旗帜啊,
Do you know that we love you? 你知道我们爱你吗?
Do you know, 你知道,
As you blow, 在你飘扬的时候,
That our hearts are stirring so— 我们的心也在荡漾着吗?
Flag, our Red, and White, and Blue? 旗帜啊,我们的红白蓝三色的旗帜,
Where you float above the street, 当你在街上飘扬,
Children look and stop their play. 孩子们会看着你,停止了玩要。
Workers stop their hasting feet, 工人们会停下他们匆忙的步伐。
Flag, our flag, for you today. 旗帜啊,我们的旗帜,今天我们只为你骄傲。