美国小学英语教材3:第156课 机智勇敢的行为(在线收听

 Part Seven Hero Stories 第七部分 英雄的故事

Brave and Wise Deeds 机智勇敢的行为
Everyone loves to hear about the deeds brave men have done. 每个人都喜欢听那些勇敢者的事迹。
Some great heroes will never be forgotten even though they lived many hundreds of years ago. 即便是生活在几百年前,那些伟大的英雄也永远不会被人遗忘。
In Hero Stories, you will read about some of the greatest heroes who ever lived. 在“英雄的故事”这一部分中,你会读到往昔的一些伟大英雄的故事。
You will find out how brave and strong and kind these people were, to win the love and honor which people of all times have given them. 你会发现,这些人多么勇敢、坚强和善良,他们赢得了所有时代的人们给予他们的爱戴和荣誉。
Many of the heroes we know about are grown men. 我们知道的许多英雄都是成年人。
But when you read this part of your book, you will find that one of the heroes is a young boy, 但是,当你读本书这一部分的时候,你会发现其中一个英雄是个年幼的男孩,
and that another is a dog so brave that he saves his master's life. 而另一个则是一只勇敢的狗,他救了主人的性命。
As you read, try to think how you could be like these great men in the things you have to do. 在读的过程中,试着想一想,你怎么才能像这些伟大的人一样完成你要做的事情呢。
Think what a wonderful thing it is to be called a hero. 想想被称作英雄是件多么了不起的事情。