
 Remembering 60 years back is hard for anyone.  要记得六十年前的事对任何人来说都很困难。

But for Melvyn Amrine, the groom in these pictures, it's especially challenging. 但对Melvyn Amrine来说,也就是这些照片中的新郎,这是特别具挑战性的。
I invited you to marry me, or did you ask me? 我请你嫁给我,还是你向我求婚的?
No, no, you asked me to marry you! Was that right? 不、不,你请我嫁给你的!是吗?
Melvyn was diagnosed with Alzheimer's three years ago. Melvyn在三年前被诊断出罹患阿兹海默症。
Some of that...it's kind of lost. 有些东西...有点不见了。
For his wife, Doris, it's been hard to watch.  对他的妻子Doris来说,更是不忍促睹。
But she says something happened recently to remind her that the man she fell in love with is still in there. 但她说最近发生的某件事提醒了她,她爱上的男子仍在那里。
It's special, because even though the mind doesn't remember everything, the heart remembers. 这很特别,因为即使脑袋不记得一切,心还是记得的。
It happened the day before Mother's Day, when Melvyn,  那发生在母亲节的前一天,那时Melvyn
who normally needs help just walking around the block, turned up missing. 他通常连仅仅要走过街区时都需要协助--被发现走失了。
Police dispatch here in Little Rock, Arkansas, put out the call. 阿肯色州小岩城这里的警察局发出通报。
He left the house walking approximately 40 minutes ago. 他大约在40分钟前步行离家。
They eventually found him two miles from his house.  他们最后在离他家两英里处(约三公里)找到他。
Police say they get these calls every once in a while, of an Alzheimer's patient out wandering aimlessly.  警察表示他们有时会接到这些通报,有关阿兹海默症患者毫无目的地闲晃这种通报。
But this one was different. When the officers approached Melvyn,  但这一个很不一样。当警察接近Melvyn时,
they say it was clear: He was a man on a mission. 他们说那很明确:他是个有任务在身的男人。
It was absolutely a moment of clarity for him. 那对他来说完全是意识清楚的一刻。
Sgt. Brian Grigsby and Officer Troy Dillard say even though Melvyn didn't know his address or where he'd come from,  Brian Grigsby警官与Troy Dillard员警表示,即便Melvyn不知道他的地址或是他从哪来的,
he absolutely knew where he was going. 他完完全全知道他要去哪里。
He was pretty adamant. 他非常坚定。
He wasn't going home until he got those flowers. 他在买到那些花前不会回家。
Flowers? 花?
That's what he wanted. He wanted flowers for his wife, because tomorrow was Mother's Day. 那是他想要的东西。他想要买花给他的太太,因为隔天是母亲节。
Melvyn had bought flowers for his wife every Mother's Day since the birth of their first child,  Melvyn自从他们第一个孩子出生后,每年母亲节都会买花送他的妻子,
and he wasn't going to disappoint her now. 现在他也不会让她失望。
We had to get those flowers. We had to get them. I didn't have a choice. 我们必须买到那些花。我们必须买到它们。我别无选择。
So, after telling dispatch they were taking the man right home,  所以,在告诉局里他们要直接带那男人回家后,
the officers secretly stopped by the grocery store.  警察们偷偷地顺路经过杂货店。
Surveillance video shows them helping Melvyn pick out the flowers.  监视录影带播出他们帮忙Melvyn挑选花朵的影像。
And when Melvyn came up short at the register, look who slipped the cashier the difference. 当Melvyn出现在收银台前钱不够时,看看是谁偷偷塞给收银员差价。
Meanwhile, back at home, a very worried wife was about to get the gift of a lifetime. 同时,回到家里,一位十分忧心忡忡的妻子即将要得到终生难忘的礼物。
As he came up those steps, and I saw those roses and the smile on his face,  当他出现在那些台阶上,然后我看到那些玫瑰以及他脸上的微笑,
I just broke inside, I just said, "Thank you, thank you," because I saw his heart. 我内心就崩溃了,我只说:“谢谢你,谢谢你”,因为我看见他的心意。
Amazing what's possible when love becomes an instinct. 当爱已成本能时,所有可能都是美妙的。