
 I... 我……

Um... 唉……
You just went right for it, you know. Bam! The first question's about this. 这么直接,你知道。碰!第一个问题就问这个。
First date, who pays? The guy pays, obviously. 第一次约会,谁付钱?男人啊,很显然。
The guy pays.  男人付。
I always pay. 我都会付。
The guy always pays. Unless—I'd say the only exception is that if...but otherwise, the guy pays. 男人永远付帐。除非——我会说唯一的例外是如果……不然的话,男人付。
I don't know. I don't—I actually don't have a good reason for that. 我不知道。我不——我其实没一个好理由解释为什么。
I wanna say it's instinct, but that makes no... sense. 我想说这是直觉,不过那根本天杀地说不通。
That's just the way I was raised. 那就只是我被带大的方式。
It's been ingrained in us that we're supposed to be the provider. 我们应该当供应者的观念已经根深蒂固。
Culture, movies, music, media... 文化、电影、音乐、媒体……
I mean, keep in mind, those traditional roles were kind of implanted and set, like, in the '40s and '50s. 我的意思是,记着,那些传统的角色有点算在 40 和 50 年代就被灌输和订定了。
Would I ever let a woman pay for a first date? 我会不会让女人付第一次约会的钱?
If she... 如果她……
...absolutely insisted, like she held a gun to my head. ……非常坚持的话,像是她拿一把枪抵住我的头。
I would feel uncomfortable. 我会觉得不自在。
Not so much uncomfortable, but it would be kind of like, Come on, man, what're you doing?  不太算不自在,而是会有点像,拜托老兄,你在干嘛啊?
Like, be a man; pay the bill, you know. 像是,当个男子汉;去买单,你知道。
If I go out to dinner with someone, I expect to pay for what I'm going to eat. 如果我和某人出去吃晚餐,我会指望自己付自己吃的东西。
I think it should always be down the middle. 我觉得应该永远要平分。
I don't mind paying. 我不介意付钱。
Like, to me, it really doesn't matter at all. 像是,对我来说,这真的一点都不重要。
I think if I did offer to pay for the entire bill, the date would feel emasculated.  我觉得如果我真的表示要付所有钱,约会对象会感到失去男子气概。
He shouldn't, but I understand that I can't discredit all of how society makes a man feel. 他不该那样觉得,但我了解我不能推翻所有这社会使男人产生的感觉。
I sort of like the rule that whoever asked the person out, like, if you're the person that suggested the date, you should pay. 我有点比较喜欢谁邀人出去谁就付钱的那种规则,像是,如果你是提议约会的那个人,你就该付钱。
At the very least, split the bill. 最起码,平分帐单。
Splitting a meal—totally fine! 共享食物——完全没问题!
I think it gets romantic later when you're in a relationship, where, like,  我认为这后来在恋爱时会变得浪漫,恋爱中,像是,
you don't even talk about it, and someone will be like, "I got this one,"  你根本不会讨论谁付钱,而某人会说:“这顿我付”,
and you'll be like, "I got the next one," because you just know that you're in it to win it,  然后你会说:“下一餐换我”,因为你就是知道要得到好处就得先付出,
and, like, you'll pay each other back later...sexually. 就像,你们之后会回报彼此……用那档事。
Fifty years from now, that will be a thing where, like, on a first date,  五十年后,那会是件,像是,第一次约会时,
you won't know if the man or woman is supposed to pay, you know? I hope that happens. 你不会知道是男人还是女人必须要付钱,你知道?我希望那会发生。