
 Hey, guys! I'm Lucie Fink. This is "five days of no coffee." 嘿大家!我是 Lucie Fink。这是“五天不喝咖啡挑战”。

I love coffee. I myself started drinking it at about age 15. I drink about two to four cups of coffee every day.  我爱咖啡。我自己在十五岁左右开始喝。我每天大概喝二到四杯咖啡。
But I don't think that I drink it only for energy. I genuinely enjoy coffee.  不过我不认为自己只是为了提神才喝。我真心喜欢咖啡。
Coffee is such a huge part of social culture around the world.  咖啡是全世界社交文化如此重要的一部分。
I mean, think about it, when you go to meet up with a friend that you haven't seen in a while,  我是说,想想看,当你和一个一阵子没看到的朋友约见面时,
where do you go? To get a cup of coffee! 你会去哪?喝一杯咖啡!
There are so many proven benefits of coffee, but there are also some drawbacks.  喝咖啡有许多经证明的好处,不过也有一些坏处。
It can be dehydrating, it can disrupt sleep patterns, caffeine increases your stress hormone, and also,  咖啡可能造成脱水、可能打乱睡眠型态、咖啡因会增加你的压力荷尔蒙,还有,
coffee tends to lead to unplanned trips to the bathroom (side note).  咖啡容易让你意外多去厕所几趟(题外话)。
So, I'm going off of it this week, and we'll see how my body responds. 所以,我这礼拜要戒咖啡,然后我们就知道我的身体会如何反应了。
I have a garbage can here. I didn't just pour that on the floor. Gotcha! 这有一个垃圾桶。我没有直接倒在地板上啦。骗到你了!
I have a really bad headache, and I've had it all freaking day.  我头超痛,而且已经痛一整天了。
It was almost as if the moment I started thinking this morning, my head started hurting. Happy Monday. Good night. 几乎是在我今天早上开始思考那刻,我的头就开始痛了。星期一快乐。晚安。
Hi. The sun hurts. Twenty-four hours with no coffee... I didn't think I needed coffee, but let me tell you, I was wrong.  嗨。太阳好刺眼。二十四小时没喝咖啡……我之前不觉得我需要咖啡,但告诉你,我错了。
Yesterday's headache was just the tip of the iceberg. Today's is even worse. Yesterday I felt really disorganized.  昨天的头痛不过是冰山一角。今天更惨。昨天我觉得思绪很没条理。
I had a couple of morning meetings that I just could not pull myself together, and papers were flying around my desk!  我早上要开几个会,我就是没办法集中精神,然后文件还在我桌上四处飞!
People would come over to talk to me and I continuously forgot what I was about to say.  人们过来和我说话然后我一直忘记我要说什么。
Blame it on the fact that it was Monday or blame it on the lack of coffee—who knows. 把错推给昨天是星期一,或是怪没有咖啡吧——天晓得。
But instead of just giving in and assuming I must be addicted to coffee,  不过我没有就这样让步然后觉得我一定是咖啡成瘾,
I decided to do some research about foods that naturally will energize my body and make me feel more alert and awake.  我决定调查一下哪些食物能自然帮我的身体充电,还有让我感觉更头脑清醒些。
So here's what I got: some fresh fruit for natural sugar, trail mix, dark chocolate,  所以这里是我得到的结果:一些新鲜水果来提供天然糖分、综合坚果、黑巧克力,
and in the fridge, I have coconut water and get this...raw sauerkraut. Let's do this. Ouch... 然后冰箱里我冰了椰子水,还有这个……没加工的德式酸菜。来吧。痛啊……
I made a mistake this morning. The point of this five days was to give up coffee,  我今天早上犯了个错。这五天挑战的重点是戒掉咖啡,
which naturally led to me giving up caffeine, considering coffee is my biggest source of caffeine.  那很自然就连到我戒掉咖啡因,有鉴于咖啡是我最主要的咖啡因来源。
So I thought I was being so good and I poured myself a cup of tea instead of coffee.  所以我想说我做得很好,然后我替自己倒了杯茶而非咖啡。
You know, I had another cup...and another cup. Later in the day, my co-producer asked me,  你知道,我喝了另一杯……又一杯。那天稍晚,我的协同制作人问我:
"What are you drinking?" And I said, "Tea." She looked at me and asked, "Can I see the label for that?"  “你在喝什么?”我回:“茶。”她看着我然后问:“我可以看看那的标签吗?”
As it turns out—and I'm so ashamed—I was drinking caffeinated black tea. 结果呢——我觉得很羞愧——我喝的是含咖啡因红茶。
Since one cup of black tea has half of the caffeine content of a cup of coffee,  因为一杯红茶含一杯咖啡的一半咖啡因含量,
and I had three cups of tea, I have today had 1.5 cups of coffee's worth of caffeine.  然后我喝了三杯茶,所以我今天喝下一杯半咖啡的咖啡因含量。
Needless to say, my headaches are gone.  不用说,我的头痛没了。
If nothing else, this grand mistake of mine has taught me that the headaches and the irritability were from a lack of caffeine.  至少,这个天大的错误告诉我,头痛和易怒确实是缺少咖啡因造成的。
Even still, without the headaches, and even with all the food I've been eating to keep my energy levels up,  然而即使头不痛了,还有即使有我吃的那所有提神的食物,
I still want coffee. Today, I ran out in the rain, and I went to a coffee shop,  我还是想喝咖啡。今天,我在雨中跑出去,我去了间咖啡厅,
and I just sat there and inhaled the fumes. Do you see how crazy this week is making me? 然后我就只是坐在那吸咖啡的香气。你看到这礼拜把我搞得多疯了吧?
My five days of no-coffee challenge has turned into a big, buzzing topic around the R29 office.  我的五天不喝咖啡挑战已经变 R29 办公室的热门话题。
Everyone's got a coffee story. This person drinks coffee for two weeks  每个人都有咖啡故事。这个人喝咖啡喝了两个星期然后戒掉,
and then goes off of it so that they don't get addicted.  这样才不会上瘾。
This other person drank so much coffee that she became allergic to it. That is a true story. 另一个人喝太多咖啡,喝到变对咖啡过敏。那可是真实故事。
My focus this week was to really dive deep and understand my personal relationship with that dark, steaming roast.  我这礼拜的重点是真的深入探索并了解我自己和那浓黑、冒着蒸气的烘焙咖啡的关系。
As we saw, on Monday and Tuesday, I'm kind of addicted to caffeine.  如我们所见,星期一和星期二,我有点咖啡因成瘾。
To be honest, even though the caffeine got rid of my headaches, caffeine alone doesn't cut it.  老实说,即使咖啡因解决掉我的头痛,单只有咖啡因还是不够。
That feeling for me of holding a cup of coffee and just inhaling and breathing deeply,  对我来说,手握一杯咖啡然后深吸一口气的感觉、
taking that first sip—it's a mind, body, and soul experience.  啜饮那第一口——那是身心灵的体验。
So, I'm not sure that I'm addicted as one would say, but I might be...in love. Interesting. 所以,我不太确定我是人家说的对咖啡上瘾,但我可能……恋爱了。有意思。
Happy Friday, guys! Wow, what a week! Am I right? Let's break down how the week went, shall we? 大家,周五快乐!哇,真精彩的一周!对吧?我们来简单讲一下这礼拜过得怎样,好吗?
Cons: massive headaches, irritability, and the inability to form sentences.  坏处:严重头痛、易怒,还有说话无法成句。
Pros: I was able to get to sleep a little bit easier than I am normally and, potentially, made fewer trips to the bathroom.  好处:我能够比平常稍微容易入睡些,还有,很可能,少去几趟厕所。
So, where does that leave me?  所以,这挑战对我有什么意义?
Clearly, some addictive personality traits that I didn't even know I had came shining through this week,  很显然,有一些以前我甚至没发现的成瘾人格特质在这礼拜全都显现出来,
so I really learned a lot about myself and my addiction. Nothing in my life can really replace a cup of coffee. 所以我真的认识自己和我的咖啡瘾许多。我生命中没有任何事物能真正取代一杯咖啡。
Now I wanna know what you could not give up for one entire week.  现在我想知道什么是你没办法一整个星期都不碰的。
Subscribe to Refinery29 on YouTube for some more challenges like this one.  在 YouTube 上订阅 Refinery29 频道好收看更多像这样的挑战。
Drop us a line. Let me know what you wanna see me try. 留言给我们。让我知道你想看我尝试什么。