
 Think of all the hundreds of things I could do with my time if I'm not thinking about clothes. 想想我可以拿我的时间去做的好几百件事,如果我不用思考要穿什么衣服的话。

Steve Jobs had, you know, his famous black turtleneck and his jeans, his mom jeans. 史提夫·贾伯斯穿,你知道,他著名的黑色高领跟牛仔裤,他的老妈裤。
For Mark Zuckerburg, it's a cardigan and a T-shirt. 马克·祖克柏的话,就是一件开襟毛衣和一件 T 恤。
Yeah, maybe that's the right idea. 对啊,或许那才是对的想法。
Yeah! A work uniform. 对!一套工作制服。
I would describe my work uniform as "business lady who can get things done." 我会形容我的工作制服为「可以完成事情的上班女郎」。
I would call my style "PJ-businesslike-ish." 我会称我的造型为「上班睡衣风」。
It's very "ninjaesque-power" outfit. 那是非常「忍者力量般」的穿著。
I'm really digging the work uniform. 我真的非常喜欢我的工作制服。
I spent a good part of my day just pulling down my skirt, hoping it doesn't ride up. 我光整理裙子就花掉一天大半时间,希望它不要一直往上跑。
I have two of the same outfit. 我有两套同样的衣服。
I wear each one for two days and then throw it in the wash. 我每一套穿两天后就把它丢去洗。
No one said anything to me; no one's noticed anything. I have no complaints. 没有人跟我说什么;没有人注意到任何不同。我没有抱怨。
I've also been switching up the cardigan, which gives me a little bit of a change. 我有换外面那件开襟毛衣,这样给我一点点改变的感觉。
I have definitely been able to focus on other things, especially in the mornings. 我肯定能专注于其它事情,尤其是早上的时间。
I'm getting a little tired of this outfit, but so far, so good. Jeanie has turned this into a challenge now. 我有一点厌倦这套穿着,但目前都还好。珍妮已经把这变成一个挑战了。
It's not just one week—we're gonna see who can go the longest without changing their outfit. Um...and I think I'll win. 这不只是一个礼拜而已--我们要看谁能撑最久不换衣服。嗯...我觉得我会赢。
I think, um, Justine is gonna lose. 我觉得,嗯,贾丝汀会输。
Because I haven't been doing this in the most hygienic fashion, I haven't been washing my shirt every single day... 因为我不是以最卫生的方式在参加这个挑战,我没有每天洗衣服... 
It is getting a little bit uncomfortable. 这开始让人有点不舒服了。
I use deodorant, so B.O. hasn't been that big of an issue. But it is something I'm worried about. 我用体香剂,所以体味不是那么严重的问题。但那是件我满担心的事情。
You can ask any of your Asian friends, but we don't really sweat that much in our armpits. And we don't have to wear deodorant. 你可以问你任何一个亚洲朋友,不过我们的腋下不会留那么多汗。我们也就不需用体香剂。
My boyfriend likes my smell, so he hasn't been complaining about that. 我男友喜欢我的味道,所以他没有抱怨这点。
Men can wear the same thing to work every day—no one really notices or cares. 男人可以每天穿一样去上班--没有人真的注意到或在意。
But women have something different expected of them. 但对女人就有不同期待。
I feel like women are expected to spend more time on what they're wearing and on their makeup and on their hair. 我觉得女人好像被期待要花更多时间去想要穿什么跟化妆还有发型。
It's Day 5, and I am totally sick of this outfit. 今天是第五天,我已经完全厌倦这身服装。
I just looked at what I have, and it was stinky and gross. And I didn't wanna put it on. 我刚刚看我有什么可以穿,都又臭又恶心。我根本不想穿它。
I actually really like wearing one outfit all the time. 我其实很喜欢一直穿同样的衣服。
I don't care if people are starting to notice that I'm wearing the same thing every day. 我不在乎别人是否开始注意到我每天都穿一样。
So I won the Work Uniform Challenge by a day. 所以我以一天之差赢得「工作制服挑战」。
Congratulations. I think that this is, like, a concept that could actually potentially catch on 恭喜。我觉得这像是一个确实有潜力会流行起来的概念,
as long as people are accepting of people wearing the same thing every day. 只要人们能接受大家每天都穿一样。