英语听力精选进阶版 9300(在线收听

A leading Kenyan opposition figure says he was beaten, dragged and forced to get on a plane to Dubai. Miguna Miguna who claims to have Kenyan and Canadian citizenship returned to Kenya this week but was held in custody at Nairobi airport. A high court judge has charged Kenya’s Interior Minister, Inspector General of Police and Head of Immigration with being in contempt of court for ignoring orders for his release.


A prison riot at a police station in Venezuela has left 68 people dead. The high death toll in the city of Valencia is being attributed to a fire which started after inmates ignited mattresses as they tried to break out.


The Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai has returned to Pakistan for the first time since being shot by Taliban militants nearly 6 years ago. Malala who is now 20 was nearly killed for campaigning for female education.

诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉 优素福扎伊[Malala Yousafzai]自6年前遭到塔利班激进分子枪击以来,今已返回巴基斯坦。20岁的马拉拉因倡导女性教育而差点遭枪杀身亡。

It’s being announced in Seoul that leaders of the two Koreas will meet in four weeks from now. It’s reported the agenda will include preparing the ground work for a US-North Korean Summit.


The Prime Minister is touring the United Kingdom today to mark the one-year run-up to Britain’s official departure from the European Union. Theresa May is expected to talk to people about her vision of unity, free trade and future economic prosperity.

今天,英国首相正在到访本国多地,以纪念英国正式脱欧倒计时一周年。特蕾莎 梅预计会在演讲中谈到她对团结、自由贸易、未来经济繁荣的愿景。

The sacked Australian Vice Captain David Warner has admitted that his plan to tamper with the CRIcket ball during a Test Match against South Africa is a stain on the game. Mr. Warner acknowledged that there had been a mistake and apologized. He has been charged with devising a plan which saw his teammates scratch the ball with sandpaper.

遭到开除的澳大利亚副队大卫 沃纳[David Warner]承认他曾打算在对抗南非的国际板球锦标赛中进行干预,也承认这是比赛中的污点。沃纳承认自己有错,并进行了道歉。沃纳被控制定计划,让其队友用砂纸抓球。

The Australian authorities have charged an Indian man with people smuggling after he was accused of trying to get a group of men posing as journalists into Australia to cover the Commonwealth Games. The eight were detained after they arrived in Brisbane Airport and were found to be travelling with fraudulent foreign media credentials.

