英语听力精选进阶版 9305(在线收听

The US and Britain have agreed that the suspected use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government cannot go unchallenged. US officials have understood it’ll have results from blood and urine samples which indicate that the chlorine and nerve agent were used in the Syrian town of Duma.


Donald Trump’s presidency has been desCRIbed by the former FBI director James Comey as a forest fire which cannot be contained by ethical leaders within the government. In the first extracts from his memoir, Mr. Comey also likens Mr. Trump who sacked him to a mafia boss untethered to the truth.


The Supreme Court in Pakistan has ruled that the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should be banned from politics for life. He was ordered to step down last year amid corruption allegations.


The UN is holding a donor conference in Geneva today to raise 1.7 billion dollars for the Democratic Republic of Congo where it says there is a major humanitarian CRIsis. But the Congolese government has refused to attend, accusing the UN of exaggerating the problem.


President Lenin Moreno of Ecuador has given a renegade rebel group a deadline to prove the two journalists and the driver they abducted three weeks ago are still alive. He warned action if the rebel fails to meet the deadline.


The founding father of the game industry in Macau Stanley Ho is to step down from running his gambling empire at the age of 96. Mr. Ho, one of the Asia’s richest men, transformed the former Portuguese colony from a sleepy peninsular to the world’s biggest casino center in terms of revenue. He will hand it over to his daughter Daisy.


A painting by the artist Marc Chagall is being returned to its rightful owners 30 years after it was stolen from a property in New York. The FBI says the painting Othello and Desdemona was recovered last year when it was offered to the owner of an art gallery who became suspicious.

画家马克 夏加尔[Marc Chagall]的画作即将物归原主。30年前,这幅画在纽约失窃。美国联邦调查局表示,这幅失窃的《奥赛罗与苔丝狄蒙娜》去年重现踪迹,当时,持有这幅画的人向一家画廊的主人出售这幅画,但画廊主人当时就心有存疑。
