英语听力精选进阶版 9309(在线收听

The Indian government has approved the introduction of the death penalty for child rapers. The executive order was cleared that a special cabinet meeting chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Electronis Smith reports. The amendment to India's penal code will apply to anyone convicted of raping a child under the age of twelve. There are many cases of child rape every day in India, but a recent spate of high-profile attacks has caused national outrage, much of it directed at India's governing BJP, which stands accused of trying to protect some of those accused of rape. One case involves a BJP politian. The government has acted swiftly, but with seventy percent of men charged walking free, it's not clear that this harshest of penalties can act as a deterrent.

印度政府将对性侵儿童罪犯判死刑。 印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪主持特别内阁会议,并发布行政命令,请听易拉特斯·斯密斯的报道。印度刑法修正案表示,凡强奸未满12岁儿童者,皆适用于本法律。印度强奸儿童的案例每天都有很多,但最近一系列案件在全国范围内引起众怒,剑指印度执政党人民党,该党被指控保护那些强奸犯。其中一个案件就涉及人民党官员,印度政府已经迅速做出了回应,70%遭指控强奸犯无罪释放,现在还不清楚这项最严酷的刑法是否有震慑力。

There has been a broad welcome to North Korea's announcement that it's suspending its nuclear and missile tests and closing its nuclear test site with immediate effect. President Trump called the decision big progress. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reacted positively. Today, I believe, in North Korea, the path is open for the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and it also proves that diplomacy is the way to solve conflicts. It's not war. China, Pyongyang's mian ally and South Korea also welcomed the move, but Japan expressed caution, as did some South Koreans.


The Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan has called for talks with the leader of ongoing protests against him. He urged the MP Nikol Pashinyan to start negotiations immediately. The demonstrators have been calling for Mr. Sargsyan to resign and goodbye his transition to the newly enhanced post of Prime Minister after completing a maximum two terms as president. Danny Ab Ahad reports. Mr. Pashinyan has called Mr. Sargsyan, who's been in power for ten years, a political corpse, saying you can't hold dialogue with a corpse. The stakes are rising. Prime Minister Sargsyan has warned that the protests are fraught with uNPRedictable consequences. But despite that and a police warning to cease illegal rallies, demonstrators have taken to the streets for a ninth consecutive day.

