打工姐妹花第二季 第73期:酒足饭饱(在线收听

 This sloppy joe is the most amazing terrible thing I've ever eaten. 这个碎牛肉三明治是我吃过最好吃的糟糕食物。

I love that it's basically pre-chewed, so all you really have to do is swallow. 我超喜欢它是先被人"嚼"碎的,所以不必费劲嚼,直接咽下去就行。
So good, I used to have these every day when I was a kid. 好吃死了,我小时候每天都吃。
Well, then I guess your childhood wasn't all that bad. 那你小时候过得也不算太悲催嘛。
We couldn't afford the real Manwich mix, so my mom's boyfriend, dirty Carl, used to bring us leftover meat scraps 我们买不起真正的碎牛肉堡,所以我妈的男朋友,脏人卡尔,就会给我们带回别人吃剩的肉渣,
and then bash 'em together with old ketchup packets he'd found in cars at the junkyard. 然后用他在废车场的烂车里捡来的旧番茄酱包搅拌到一起。
Now I understand why you think this is a nice restaurant. 我明白你为什么会觉得这里是好餐馆了。
Have you noticed the more you drink, the better this place gets? 你有注意到喝得越多,这地方就变得越美好吗?
I've noticed the more I drink, the better everything gets. 我倒是注意到喝得越多,一切都变得越美好。
Why don't we drink every day? Some of we do. 为什么我们不每天都喝酒呢?我就是啊。
I'm having a great time. Thank you, Max. 我玩得很开心。谢谢你,麦克斯。
Well, yesterday, you were so bummed about your life, 昨天你还为自己的生活感到失落,
I thought I'd take you somewhere you could feel good about yourself. 我就想把你带去能让你自我感觉良好的地方。
Okay, I've been wanting to say this the whole time. 好吧,有句话我想说很久了。
I feel like we're the hottest people in this room. Is that terrible? Yes. 我觉得我们是这里最正点的人。这么说是不是很坏啊?是呀。