打工姐妹花第二季 第83期:猫咪(在线收听

 What are you doing back so early? 你怎么回来得这么早?

Did chestnut forget his wallet? 栗宝忘了带钱包了吗?
No, we saw that cat we don't like. 不是,我们看见不喜欢的那只猫。
I tried to spray it with a water bottle, but it just laughed at us, so we ran. 我试着用水瓶喷水吓唬它,但它不屑一笑,我们只好落荒而逃。
What are you doing out here? 你在外面干嘛?
Enjoying the day. The coming of autumn is my favorite time of year. 享受美好时光啊。即将到来的秋天,是我一年中最爱的时节。
I love the leaves. Oh, gross! A condom! 我爱死落叶了。恶心死了,居然有避孕套!
Wow, I guess autumn really is coming. 哇,我想秋天真的"来了"。
Who would throw that over our wall? 谁会把这玩意从墙外扔进来?
That cat. What? He's not only arrogant, he wants us to know he has sex. 那只臭猫。干嘛,他不但傲慢嚣张,还想让我们知道,他也有性生活。
All I know is, if I had nine lives, I wouldn't wear a condom. 我只知道,如果我有九条命,我才不会戴套呢。