绿箭侠第一季 第382期:不能扔下任何人(在线收听

 You do know how dangerous it is to text and drive, right? It can wait! 你知道一边发短信一边开车有多危险,对吧?可以等一会再发!

No, it can't. I'm trying to find us another route out of here. 等不了。我在为我们找另一条出路。
Let me. It's not worth the risk. 让我来。这么冒险不值得。
Roy! Roy! Help me out! Help me out! Help me out! 罗伊!罗伊!帮帮我!帮帮我!帮帮我!
Roy, stop! Roy! The device is about to go off any second! 罗伊,停下!罗伊!那个装置随时可能爆炸!
I can't leave anyone behind. 我不能扔下任何人。
I know you think you have something to prove. 我知道你想证明一些事。
But you're not the vigilante! 但你不是治安维持者!
Look, I can't do this unless I know you're safe. 听着,只有你安全了我才能帮别人。
Then you better haul ass out of it. 那你最好能安全脱身。