英语听力精选进阶版 9345(在线收听

The US Secretary of State has said Kim Jong-un has indicated to him personally that North Korea is prepared to denuclearize. Mike Pompeo said both sides were approaching a common interpretation of what the word "denuclearization" implied. The model for succeeding security assurance and political normalization and denuclearization completely verifiably and irreversibly. For that to take place, we've got to make bold decisions and I'm hopeful that chairman Kim Jong-un is prepared to make that decision for his country, a big shift in his strategic understanding of his security. The US president, who's due to meet North Korea's leader on Tuesday, said he was optimistic about success at the summit, but said if he used the term maximum pressure, it would be an indication that things were not going well.


Speaking in Washington alongside Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump also vowed to raise the issue of Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea in the 70s and 80s. Mr. Abe said the US president fully understood the importance of the issue to Japan. On the issue of abductions, I was able to have a detailed discussion and I think President Trump fully understands the situation and he supports the position of Japan. Last year, President Trump visited Japan. On that occasion, he met with the families of abductees. Serve all the world leaders, I think President Trump understands the issue the most. At the upcoming summit, the issue of the abductees will be explained to Mr. Kim Jong-un.


The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on 6 individuals involved in human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants in Libya. They are accused of human rights abuses. The sanctions are thought to include a global asset freeze and travel ban. Nada Tawfik reports from New York. This is the first time that the UN Security Council has placed leaders of human trafficking on an international sanctions list. The blacklisted individuals are four Libyans, including the head of a regional coast guard unit and two Eritrean nationals desCRIbed as leaders of a transnational network. Smugglers have taken advantage of the insecurity in Libya to move hundreds of thousands of migrants by sea to Europe.

联合国安理会已对利比亚境内6名涉嫌人口贩卖和偷运移民的个人进行了制裁。他们被指控侵犯人权。制裁包括全球资产冻结以及旅行禁令。以下是那达?托菲克在纽约的报道。这是联合国安理会第一次将人口贩卖的主要嫌疑人列入国际制裁名单之中。被列入黑名单的有四名利比亚人,包括一名地区海岸警卫队的主管; 另外两人是厄立特里亚人,据称是一跨国网络的头目。偷运者利用利比亚境内动乱的局势,将几十万移民通过海运输往欧洲。
