英语听力精选进阶版 9356(在线收听

The Islamic State group says it carried out a suicide attack in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 25 people, including Taliban fighters. The Taliban insurgents, security forces and civilians were together celebrating Eid in Nangarhar Province, thanks to an uNPRecedented three-day ceasefire announced by the Taliban. Shoaib Sharifi is in Kabul.


A large crowd of people had gathered in the outskirts of eastern Jalalabad city, where Taliban fighters and Afghan security forces had gathered to meet and greet as part of ceasefire celebrations. Witnesses told our BBC, the assailant detonator has explosives in the centre of the crowd. The carnage in Jalalabad was in stark contrast to scenes elsewhere in the country. In Kabul, 17 years after the collapse of Taliban regime, residents of the capital once again saw the group's white flag being carried by the militants on motorbikes but they were stopping and hanging up on soldiers.


In Venezuela, 17 people have been killed in a stampede at a nightclub outside Caracas after a tear gas canister was detonated. At least 8 of the dead are children. Our America's editor Leonardo Rocha reports.

在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯外的一家夜店里,一枚催泪瓦斯罐被引爆,导致人群中17人死亡。遇难者中至少有8名是儿童,以下是我台美洲编辑莱昂纳多? 阿舍的报道。

Some 500 people, most of them teenagers, were at a club in the Venezuelan capital celebrating the end of school graduation. Venezuela's Interior and Justice Minister Nestor Reverol said that one of these students had thrown a tear gas canister into the crowd after a fight broke out. There was panic as everyone rushed towards the exit. The Venezuelan government said several people have been arrested including the student accused of having thrown the canister.


The former boss of France Telecom Didier Lombard and six other managers are to face trial over an alleged culture of harassment that led to a series of suicides at the firm. The aim was to force out 22,000 employees to cut the wage bill. Here's our Europe regional editor Mike Saunders.


I'll get them out one way or another through the window or through the door. So said Didier Lombard in a meeting with senior managers in 2007. One of the thirty-five France Telecom employees who took their own lives ten years ago did indeed jump out of a fifth floor window in front of colleagues. Prosecutors say Mr. Lombard's strategy was to demoralise staff so that they would leave of their own accord. Some were transferred away from their families or left behind when officers were moved or assigned demeaning jobs. Mr. Lombard called the wave of suicides a fashion. He denies wrongdoing.

