英语听力精选进阶版 9364(在线收听

The Burmese army says it's sacked the general who led the campaign which forced 700,000 Rohingya people to flee Myanmar last year. Earlier, Maung Maung Soe was named on the sanctions list by the European Union because of the Rohingya persecution. Here's Nick Beake. In the Facebook post, the Burmese army revealed the major general had now been sacked, not for CRImes against civilians, but for showing weakness in the face of Rohingya militant attacks on the police force. The EU sanctions now imposed on him and six other colleagues involve an assets freeze and a travel ban. Myanmar has dismissed all accusations of ethnic cleansing and says it's been defending its people from Muslim insurgents.


Members of the international chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW meet shortly to discuss a call for the organization's powers to be increased. The meeting in the Hague has been called at the request of Britain. Anna Holligan has more details. Britain wants the OPCW to be able to attribute blame, which would circumnavigate the Russian veto at the United Nations. The UK delegation has been working hard to secure support for its draft motion, which only needs to win a majority of votes to pass. Russia, Syria and a few other countries will inevitably oppose it, but their numbers aren't likely to be enough to stop the process. If the extended powers are granted, they could come into effect before the OPCW releases its much-anticipated report into the chemical weapons attack in April in the Syrian city of Douma.


The head of border security in the United States, Kevin McLeanan has ordered his agents to suspend the handing over to prosecutors of migrant adults who crossed the border with Mexico. Until last week, they've been carrying out the controversial policy of removing migrant children from parents at the border. David Willis has this report. Such was the subsequent outcry that the president signed an executive order, keeping detained families together whilst the parents await trial. That left officials with the problem of where to house those families, and the White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders conceded there was currently a shortage of resources. Two military bases in Texas have been earmarked as temporary camps for migrants, but the head of US border security Kevin McLeanan told reporters the so-called zero tolerance immigration policy was now on hold. David Willis.

美国边境安全负责人凯文?麦克伦南命令执法官员暂停向检方的移交程序,移交对象是越过墨西哥边境抵达美国的成年移民。截至上周,他们一直在执行将边境移民儿童和父母分离政策,该政策备受争议,以下是大卫?威利斯的报道。这起事件引发了强烈的呼声,总统签署行政命令,允许滞留的移民家人团聚,同时父母等待审讯。如今的问题是,要把这些家庭安排到哪里,白宫发言人萨拉?桑德斯承认目前急缺资源。德州两个军事基地被指定为暂时移民营地,但是美国边境安全负责人凯文? 麦克伦南对记者表示,所谓的零容忍移民政策现已搁置下来,以上由大卫?威利斯报道。
