英语听力精选进阶版 9366(在线收听

At the G7 summit in Quebec, President Trump has CRIticized Canada, the EU and France for charging what he called massive tariffs. The row over trade is becoming increasingly aCRImonious since Mr. Trump announced tariffs on steel imports. President Macron, France said earlier that the other 16 leading rich nations together represented an economic market which has become a real international force.


The US Secretary of State says Kong Jong-un has indicated to him personally that North Korea is prepared to denuclearize. Mike Pompeo has said both sides were approaching a common interpretation before the world denuclearization implied.


The US government has for the first time begun using federal prisons to host people suspected of being illegal immigrants. The transfer of 1,600 detainees is part the president's plan to restrict illegal immigration.


The International Monetary Fund has reached the deal with Argentina for a 15 billion dollar's standby loan. Argentina has agreed to cut public spending and reduce inflation.


The State of Victoria in Australia has taken the first step towards signing a treaty with its aboriginal peoples. It is the first time any Australian Parliament has passed laws that create a framework for a future of accord with indigenous groups.


The Upper House of parliament in Canada has approved the law allowing the recreational use of marihuana. Senators made a number of amendments which the House of Commons will have to decide on before the law can be passed.


And the British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has warned his supporters that the Brexit negotiations are reaching a moment of truth and there is a risk that they may not get the deal they wanted. In a secret recording obtained by Buzzfeed News, Mr. Johnson said he believed Brexit was irreversible but added Britain could end up locked in orbit around the EU.

