打工姐妹花第二季 第86期:怀疑安迪是同性恋(2)(在线收听

 Andy is not gay. 安迪不是同性恋。

And I'm not just setting you up for a life of confusing, self-questioning non-sex for the free candy, although that does sound like me. 我不会为了免费的糖果,就把你推入一辈子只有迷惑质疑,而无性生活的火坑,虽然很像我会干的事。
He is really into you. 他真的对你很感兴趣。
He might be into me, but he doesn't seem to want to get into me. 他可能是对我感兴趣,但他似乎对我完全不感"性趣"。
Maybe he just wants me as a friend. 或许他只想跟我做朋友。
No way. You are, like, 80 pounds and a coke addiction shy from being qualified to be a gay guy's female friend. 不可能。等你再胖36公斤,并有羞于承认的可乐瘾,你才有可能当上基佬的女性朋友。
What's so important you two have to be in here gabbing like schoolgirls when there are customers waiting? 什么事这么重要,你们俩得像学生妹一样在里面闲聊,而不去招呼客人?
If you must know, Caroline and I were discussing if someone we know is gay. 如果你非要知道的话,我们在讨论一个朋友是不是同性恋。
I once had a homosexual experience in college. 我在大学时有过一回同性恋的经验。
With another girl? 跟小姑娘搞拉拉情吗?
No, there was a boy who was interested in me. He was captain of the football team. 不,当时有个男生对我感兴趣。他是足球队的队长。
He would come to my dorm room and ask me to do his homework, and then he would leave. 他会来我的宿舍,让我帮他写作业,写完他就走了。
Oh. Never mind. I never had a homosexual experience. 算了,当我没说。我没有同性恋经验。
Keep wearing those sweaters, Han. It'll happen. 阿憨呀,继续穿你的毛背心吧。有天他们会找上你的。